
The same DOM API and Frameworks you know, but in a Web Worker.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


What's difference from Original?

  • Modify & Inspire useful APIs from @mizchi/worker-dom
  • Your Web Wroker can be used as the WorkerDOM


npm install @intlify/worker-dom --save


  • attachWorker(element: HTMLElement, worker: Worker, config: InboundWorkerDOMConfiguration): Promise<ExportedWoker>
    • Attach your web worker on main-thread
  • ready on worker to connect attachWorker
    • Wait for the WorkerDOM to be ready by attachWorker
  • exportFunctions(functions: Function[] | Record<string, Function>): void
    • Export functions in the WorkerDOM that can be called from the main-thread

Example for Vite

// worker.js
import { ready, exportFunctions } from '@intlify/worker-dom/dist/lib/worker'

// define your functions on worker
function add(a, b) {
  const ret = a + b
  const el = document.createElement('p')
  el.textContent = ret.toString()
  return ret

// export worker functions

// wait for ready
await ready

// should keep same content with main-thread on init.
document.body.firstChild.textContent = 'hello from worker mutate'
// main.js
import { attachWorker } from '@intlify/worker-dom/dist/lib/main'
import Worker from './woker?worker';

// attach worker to dom
const worker = await attachWorker(document.querySelector('#root'), new Worker())

// call function that is exported from worker
const result = await woker.callFunction('add', 1, 1)

Example for Webpack

// webpack.config.js
const WorkerPlugin = require("worker-plugin");
module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [new WorkerPlugin()]
// worker.js
import { ready } from "@intlify/worker-dom/dist/lib/worker";

ready.then(() =>{ 
  // should keep same content with main-thread on init.
  document.body.firstChild.textContent = 'hello from worker mutate';
// main.js
import { attachWorker } from "@intlify/worker-dom/dist/lib/main";

// Create worker by your own way
const worker = new Worker("./worker.js", { type: "module" });

// attach worker to dom
attachWorker(document.querySelector('#root'), worker);


worker-dom is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.