
Member Categories add-on for ExpressionEngine

Primary LanguagePHP

Member Categories add-on for ExpressionEngine

Members meet channel categories! Assign categories to your members in order to build permissions system on frontend, or to simply categorize your members, or let users save their favorite categories, relate “groups” of members to “groups” of entries - more and more flexibility within your EE site!

The obvious limitation of ExpressionEngine membership system is that a member can be part of only one membership group. The obvious advantage of categories is that they can intersect. Now, categories meet members with Member categories module!

It can be used to build permissions system on front-end, or to simply categorize your members, or let users save their favorite categories, relate “groups” of members to “groups” of entries - more and more flexibility within your EE site!

The module can also be used to restrict entry editing in Control Panel (would require Entry Access module)

The categories used are the same Channel categories that are used for the entries.

You can assign as many categories to every member as you need using module’s control panel. Is is also possible for members to select their categories themselves on front-end.