
  1. Create Firebase project
  2. Add firebase_auth and firebase_core
  3. Add to main.dart:
   await Firebase.initializeApp();
  1. Get SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys


  1. Insert the keys in project settings in Firebase Console
  2. Download google-services.json and place it to /android/app/
  3. Add classpath '' to /android/build.gradle dependencies

9a. Optional: to remove captcha

  • enable the Android Device Verification API on google cloud console (left menu --> APIs&Services --> Credentials)

  • add SHA-1 in the EXISTING project on that page (there're will be the one from Firebase). THERE'S NO POINT IN CREATING A NEW PROJECT

  • additionally, for iOS one can use: await FirebaseAuth.instance.setSettings(appVerificationDisabledForTesting: true);

    DON'T FORGET TO REMOVE IT in release version - it won't work

9b. Optional: to enable multidex support

  • add the google-services plugin as a dependency inside of the android/build.gradle file:

      buildscript {
      dependencies {
        // ... other dependencies
        classpath ''
  • execute the plugin by adding the following underneath the line apply plugin:, within the /android/app/build.gradle file:

    apply plugin: ''
  • open the /android/app/build.gradle file. Under dependencies add the multidex module, and enable it within the defaultConfig:

     android {
            defaultConfig {
                // ...
                minSdkVersion 16
                targetSdkVersion 28
                multiDexEnabled true
        dependencies {
          implementation ''


  1. Add app to project in Firebase Console
  2. Download GoogleService-Info.plist and place it in XCode to to Runner -> Runner (next to Info.plist)
  3. Set the MinimumOSversion to 10.0 in ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist
  4. In Xcode, ensure that at Runner -> Project -> Runner -> Build Settings -> Basic -> Deployment -> iOS Deployment Target is set to 10.0
  5. In Xcode, ensure that at Runner -> Targets -> Runner -> Build Settings -> Basic -> Deployment -> iOS Deployment Target is set to 10.0
  6. In Xcode, ensure that at Runner -> Targets -> Runner -> General -> Deployment Info ios is set to 10.0
  7. In Podfile: uncomment the line platform :ios, '10.0'
  8. In Podfile: ensure that it contains the following post install script:
     post_install do |installer|
      installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
        target.build_configurations.each do |config|
          config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '10.0'
  9. Run
    flutter clean \
        && rm ios/Podfile.lock pubspec.lock \
        && rm -rf ios/Pods ios/Runner.xcworkspace
  10. Run flutter pub get
  11. From within /ios run pod install
  12. Do NOT add this line to the end of the file to speed up build:
    pod 'FirebaseFirestore', :git => '', :tag => '6.26.0'
    it's from here