Pinned Repositories
Downloads images and OCR results using IIIF manifest URLs
Goobi viewer - Connector for OAI-PMH and SRU interface
Goobi viewer - Presentation software for digital libraries, museums, archives and galleries. Open Source.
Goobi viewer - Digest. Monthly report about current developments.
Goobi viewer - Indexer daemon to monitor hotfolder, add metadata to Apache Solr index and move files to correct folders.
Goobi viewer - Theme Reference
Goobi workflow - Workflow management software for digitisation projects used in more than 80 cultural heritage institutions in at least 18 countries.
This repository contains the markdown source files for the detailed English documentation about the monthly development work on Goobi workflow and its plugins.
Java library to create and consume IIIF manifests
UGH - Metadata library to read and write METS and other metadata formats
intranda GmbH's Repositories
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows to automatically enrich individual metadata with information from Goobi workflow's vocabulary management.
This REST plugin for Goobi workflow adds several REST API functionality to Goobi workflow
This REST plugin for Goobi workflow manages to share MARC records with the catalogue (aka epflicht).
This Statistics plugin for Goobi workflow adds basic statistics functionality to Goobi workflow. It can be seen as a reference implementation how to cover different statistical use cases.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows to delete the first image. It was implemented for project where the first image name ends with 0 (e.g. bla_123_0000.tif). For further use cases adaptions might be needed.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows to download the docket of an entire batch from an accepted task.
This is a set of multiple Step plugins for Goobi workflow which are delivering files for the Leiden University Library e.g. to Islandora or to users.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow analyses filenames and creates a METS structure based on naming conventions. It was developed for a mass import of existing data for the University Library in Bozen.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows to generate different text based formats which are extracted out of PDF or EPUB files (used for epflicht).
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows to add multilingual transcription texts and additional metadata to a Goobi process. The plugin contains a complex user interface and creates additional SQL tables inside of the database of Goobi for the transcription data.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows you to generate configurable identifiers and save them within a metadata in the METS file.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow is used for the annotation of existing location NER tags in ALTO files with Geonames URLs.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows the extraction of metadata from image files in order to store them within the METS files.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows to scale images down to a specific size of the longest side and adds a configurable watermark. The input and output folder can be configured as well.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows to select multiple images from the list of all images of a defined folder to later use just these for the export or for other use cases.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows to show images inside of an accepted task to allow a visual quality assurance and several more actions.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow was developed for the City Archive of Kiel (Germany) to cleanup metadata in the METS-Files and to pull in existing images into the master folder.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows editing individual metadata fields right inside of an accepted task. It is highly configurable and contains a user interface.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows you to edit metadata for each available image. It was developed for the Crown Project at the KHM in Vienna and is highly configurable. Links to other processes can be created for each screen.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows the import of structure data from an Excel file.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows to automatically create or update specific metadata fields inside of METS files. To do so it can use the Variable Replacer or neighbor metadata fields to write metadata to logical elements on all hiearchical levels.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow is used to create a valid METS file when no manual metadata step is executed during the workflow. With this plugin a valid pagination, image assignment and default values are created and written into the METS file.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow handles processes with mixed antiqua/fracture fonts that were configured manually
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows to read the OCR fulltext of all images of a process to be written as plaintext into a given metadata field.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows to generate a set of OID identifiers for each single image, generate Hashes and to change the image names and references inside of the METS file.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow is used by the TIB Hanover to manually refine and correct the results from After correction, it can also be used to create the entries into the catalogue.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow automatically reads information from PDF files and extracts images and full text with coordinates to store these inside of the OCR and images folders.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows the upload of PDF files into Goobi processes. Instead of this plugin the file-upload plugin could be used as well and is more flexible than this one.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows to create a defined number of placeholder images and stored these inside of the master folder.
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows to migrate existing Goobi process folders into the new (master, media) or into the old (orig, tif) folder structure.