Pinned Repositories
Downloads images and OCR results using IIIF manifest URLs
Goobi viewer - Connector for OAI-PMH and SRU interface
Goobi viewer - Presentation software for digital libraries, museums, archives and galleries. Open Source.
Goobi viewer - Digest. Monthly report about current developments.
Goobi viewer - Indexer daemon to monitor hotfolder, add metadata to Apache Solr index and move files to correct folders.
Goobi viewer - Theme Reference
Goobi workflow - Workflow management software for digitisation projects used in more than 80 cultural heritage institutions in at least 18 countries.
This repository contains the markdown source files for the detailed English documentation about the monthly development work on Goobi workflow and its plugins.
Java library to create and consume IIIF manifests
UGH - Metadata library to read and write METS and other metadata formats
intranda GmbH's Repositories
This Export-Plugin for Goobi workflow allows an export of up-to 5 previously selected images together with a json metadata file to the Heris System of the BDA Austria.
This Dashboard Plugin for Goobi workflow shows several data about digitisation projects, progress, tasks and several monitoring information for users who are logged in.
This Export Plugin for Goobi workflow was developed for the BDA in Austria. It executes a specific export of Goobi processes as multiple METS files per process where each structure element results in its own METS file.
This Export plugin for Goobi workflow was developed for the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin. It only exports image files from multiple folders and ignore the metadata from the METS file entirely.
This Export plugin for Goobi workflow allows to configure how an export should exactly happen, which content to contain and where to export it to.
This Export plugin for Goobi workflow is a reference implementation for the export of content to fedora.
This Export plugin for Goobi workflow is exporting Goobi processes to a Fedora repository for the Victoria Public Record Office.
This Export Plugin for Goobi workflow is used to export complex entity information related to persons (aka Artist Dictionary).
This Export Plugin for Goobi workflow creates an export package for the national German newspaper portal (DDB Zeitungsportal).
This Export Plugin for Goobi workflow allows to let PDF files be exported to a defined folder structure based on metadata information. It was developed specifically for the National Library of Israel.
This Export Plugin for Goobi workflow allows the export of previously selected images into a defined location either locally or via SCP.
This Export plugin for Goobi workflow was developed for Stanford University Library to allow a specific export into their DMS. It uses the identifier, splits it into chunks and uses these in reverse order as subfolders for the export.
This Export Plugin for Goobi workflow exports content to a Sword interface for MyCore.
This Export Plugin for Goobi workflow allows to export the result of Goobi processes to a Visual Library system.
This Export Plugin for Goobi workflow allows to export to different directories for the Klassik Stiftung Weimar.
This Export Plugin for Goobi workflow is doing a specific export for the Wiener Holocaust Library in London. It generates a special set of export files incl. glossary enrichments.
This Export Plugin for Goobi workflow delivers process content into the ZOP system of the ZB Zürich.
This Import Plugin for Goobi workflow allows the import of XML files that have been exported by ACTApro before.
This Import Plugin for Goobi workflow allows a mass import of records from various OPAC catalogues of the University Library of Basel.
This Import Plugin for Goobi workflow is used to import legacy data for the Federal Monuments Office (Bundesdenkmalamt) in Vienna.
This Import Plugin for Goobi workflow allows to import a proprietary data set of periodicals from the Bodensee libraries.
This Import Plugin for Goobi workflow can be used to import data from an Excel file. The individual lines are converted to Goobi processes and images can be imported automatically. In addition, a hierarchical EAD tectonics is also created.
This Import plugin for Goobi workflow allows to paste multiple lines with record information to automatically create Goobi processes as Monographs or Multi-Volume-Works depending on the identifier. There is no request to the ALMA catalogue happening.
This Import Plugin for Goobi workflow is the generic mechanism to import data from Excel files.
This Import Plugin for Goobi workflow allows to import journals for the University Library of Fulda. The data must be in a folder structure that is understood by the plugin. The top level is named after the PPN, below that come the volumes, below that the issues, inside that are the scans. The PPN from the top level is used for OPAC requests.
This Import Plugin for Goobi workflow is a very basic mass import to import data from folders and files.
This Import Plugin for Goobi workflow allows to import journals from a catalogue and to use existing images from the file system as well.
This Import plugin for Goobi workflow allows to import card catalogues from folder structures of the KatZoom system as Goobi processes.
This is a collection of Import plugins for Goobi workflow. Uploaded data can be processed by the plugin as MARC XML, MODS XML or just with placeholder file data.
This Import Plugin for Goobi workflow allows to import newspaper articles into Goobi with the possibility to merge the data into existing Goobi processes.