
Automated download of Pluralsight courses

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Automated download from Pluralsight with pluradl.py

You can download whole courses from a number of tutorial sites with the CLI tool youtube-dl, however, in this Git I have provided an Python script, pluradl.py, for automated download of a whole sequence of Pluralsight courses at once using youtube-dl as a subprocess. Below I give an example of how to use the pluradl.py script with a Pluralsight account to get videos from an arbitrary large list of courses at their site.

You can get a free 1 month trial to Pluralsight by signing up for free to Visual Studio Dev Essentials

Installation of youtube-dl

For macOS/UNIX

With brew for macOS:

brew install youtube-dl

With npm:

npm install youtube-dl

with pacman

pacman -S youtube-dl

Alternatively compile developement version from AUR youtube-dl-git

Or you can curl/wget the thing:

sudo curl -L https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
sudo wget https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
For Windows

Download with npm as above or just download the exe-file from the link below and put the exe in your PATH.

Or download with npm like above.

Source: youtube-dl download


Download from Pluralsight with pluradl.py

After installation of youtube-dl (thus is avaiable to the environment) make sure that courselist.txt is in the same directory as pluradl.py with the course ID's of your choice listed row by row. Example files and scripts is provided in Scripts. The course ID can be found via the course URL from the Pluralsight website, e.g https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/c-sharp-fundamentals-with-visual-studio-2015/table-of-contents where the ID is "c-sharp-fundamentals-with-visual-studio-2015".

Run the script in your terminal to download all the videos from all the courses in courselist.txt. The videos will be automatically placed in course specific folders and named by playlist order number. Substitute the example credentials with your own and supply courselist.txt with your desired courses ...

python pluradl.py
Enter you Pluralsight credentials
Enter username: youremail@example.com
Enter password (will no be displayed)
: yourPassword

... with courselist.txt available at the same path ...



Example output

Directory tree of pluradl.py root


The argument SLEEP_INTERVAL = 150 parameter used in the pluradl.py script is important. It means that the program will wait at least 150s (2.5 minutes) before it downloads the next video. If you don't use this flag Pluralsight will ban you because you are doing too many requests under a short period of time.

We have blocked your account because our security systems have flagged your Pluralsight account for an unusual amount activity. This does mean a high volume of requests that are in the realm of a request every 10-30 seconds for a prolonged period of time. Please note that this high volume of activity is in violation of our terms of service [https://www.pluralsight.com/terms].