
Docker hanging during startup

skluthe opened this issue · 9 comments

Running using the docker one-liner from here:

Seems to go fine until it throws this during the sidekick setup:
2020-02-12T22:24:49.393Z pid=1448 tid=gn324yl9w DEBUG: {:queues=>["default"], :labels=>[], :concurrency=>60, :require=>"/core/core.rb", :environment=>nil, :timeout=>25, :poll_interval_average=>nil, :average_scheduled_poll_interval=>5, :error_handlers=>[#<Sidekiq::ExceptionHandler::Logger:0x000055654ea79fa0>], :death_handlers=>[], :lifecycle_events=>{:startup=>[], :quiet=>[], :shutdown=>[], :heartbeat=>[]}, :dead_max_jobs=>10000, :dead_timeout_in_seconds=>15552000, :reloader=>#<Proc:0x000055654ea15000@/root/.rbenv/versions/2.6.5/gemsets/core/gems/sidekiq-6.0.3/lib/sidekiq.rb:37>, :verbose=>true, :dynamic=>true, :process_limits=>{:task=>5, :control=>1, :task_enrichment=>20, :task_browser=>1, :task_autoscheduled=>20, :task_scan=>3, :task_spider=>3, :app=>3, :graph=>1}, :config_file=>"/core/config/sidekiq.yml", :strict=>true, :identity=>"2fe0a311d724:1448:e51eea52b51e", :fetch=>Sidekiq::LimitFetch}

After which it becomes unresponsive.

Running on ParrotOS 4.7

jcran commented

Actually this is just a part of the tailed logfile, and shows that the service is in fact listening. A couple things to check:

  • Are you forwarding :7777, per the instructions
  • Have you tried accessing it at https://localhost:7777 from your host system?
jcran commented

You should be able to access it locally as-is since it binds to all ipv4 interfaces ( by default.

If you're just trying to adjust so the running container is ONLY bound to localhost, change the docker run command from '-p' to '-p'

If you want to adjust the image to bind to a different port (or change any default config option), you can change how/what the image itself binds to by forking/downloading the repo, editing the config/puma.rb.default file in the config directory (and the Dockerfile-standalone) and rolling your own image. Follow these instructions if you want to do that:

Let me know if this doesnt resolve it for you.

jcran commented

Sounds good, i'll close this out for now. Just re-open if you're still having trouble. Shoot an email to if you want to join the Slack for more real-time help.

Same thing happens to me and the connection hangs if I try to reach the web server:

curl -v
* Rebuilt URL to:
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 7777 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.55.1
> Accept: */*

As you can see it actually connects to it but there is no response from the server
How can I debug it to see why this is happening?

Here is the last output I can see from the container when running it:

[+] Migrating DB for Intrigue Standalone
Connecting to Postgres at: postgres://intrigue@localhost:5432/intrigue_dev
Connecting to Postgres at: postgres://intrigue@localhost:5432/intrigue_dev
[+] Schema Version: 58
[+] Updating Intrigue Data
[+] Downloading latest data files...
[+] Getting latest web_accounts_list.json
[+] Getting latest ipv4-address-space.csv
[+] Getting latest tcp / udp port numbers
[+] Getting latest TLDs
[+] Getting latest Public suffix list
[+] Getting latest NVD JSON Feed: 2019
[+] Getting latest NVD JSON Feed: 2018
[+] Getting latest NVD JSON Feed: 2017
[+] Data Update Complete!
[+] Enabling Intrigue Services
god[975]: Syslog enabled.
god[1330]: Loading /core/util/god/intrigue-docker.rb
god[1330]: Using pid file directory: /core/tmp/pids
Sending 'start' command

The following watches were affected:
[+] Tailing worker log
Connecting to Redis Server at: redis://
2020-02-19T04:09:50.334Z pid=1454 tid=gosqrlqgi INFO: Booting Sidekiq 6.0.3 with redis options {:url=>"redis://", :id=>"Sidekiq-server-PID-1454"}
Connecting to Postgres at: postgres://intrigue@localhost:5432/intrigue_dev
Sourcing intrigue issues from  /core/lib/issues
2020-02-19T04:09:53.577Z pid=1454 tid=gosqrlqgi INFO: Running in ruby 2.6.5p114 (2019-10-01 revision 67812) [x86_64-linux]
2020-02-19T04:09:53.577Z pid=1454 tid=gosqrlqgi INFO: See LICENSE and the LGPL-3.0 for licensing details.
2020-02-19T04:09:53.577Z pid=1454 tid=gosqrlqgi INFO: Upgrade to Sidekiq Pro for more features and support:
2020-02-19T04:09:53.579Z pid=1454 tid=gosqrlqgi DEBUG: Client Middleware:
2020-02-19T04:09:53.579Z pid=1454 tid=gosqrlqgi DEBUG: Server Middleware:
2020-02-19T04:09:53.579Z pid=1454 tid=gosqrlqgi DEBUG: {:queues=>["default"], :labels=>[], :concurrency=>60, :require=>"/core/core.rb", :environment=>nil, :timeout=>25, :poll_interval_average=>nil, :average_scheduled_poll_interval=>5, :error_handlers=>[#<Sidekiq::ExceptionHandler::Logger:0x000055a3d5474630>], :death_handlers=>[], :lifecycle_events=>{:startup=>[], :quiet=>[], :shutdown=>[], :heartbeat=>[]}, :dead_max_jobs=>10000, :dead_timeout_in_seconds=>15552000, :reloader=>#<Proc:0x000055a3d543db58@/root/.rbenv/versions/2.6.5/gemsets/core/gems/sidekiq-6.0.3/lib/sidekiq.rb:37>, :verbose=>true, :dynamic=>true, :process_limits=>{:task=>5, :control=>1, :task_enrichment=>20, :task_browser=>1, :task_autoscheduled=>20, :task_scan=>3, :task_spider=>3, :app=>3, :graph=>1}, :config_file=>"/core/config/sidekiq.yml", :strict=>true, :identity=>"c228021ae3f6:1454:5f1d386c79b1", :fetch=>Sidekiq::LimitFetch}```

Never mind, I was reaching the server using http and not https and there is no redirection so I was getting a hanged connection. Just using https makes it work

jcran commented

This was a recent change (HTTP-> HTTPS on :7777). LMK if you saw any docs which haven't yet been updated. Thanks for following up.