
Repo for CS homeworks peer reivew

Computer Science Homeworks

This repository is dedicated to exchange of homeworks and peer review by students of Kottans Computer Science track (base on OSSU CS program).


  • fork this repository
  • clone your fork to your local machine: git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/cs-2019-homeworks.git
  • add this repository as an upstream: git remote add upstream https://github.com/kottans/cs-2019-homeworks.git
  • in your local repository, add a folder with your github name under submissions. Inside make a separate folder for every course you are passing, for example cs50 or computational-thinking

How to Submit a task

  • When your are done with a task, save code and/or text into a relevant folder under your name and course.

    See example file structure you are expected to have below:

    File structure example

  • make a pull request

  • review 1-2 pull reqests from your peers.