Maintenance Mode - Simple Deploy is an opinionated CLI tool for managing AWS Cloud Formation Stacks.
- 3
list command swallowing errors
#239 opened - 8
create with option --disable-rollback
#241 opened by munjeli - 0
- 1
fog-core 1.22.0 dependency issues
#230 opened by grantleehoffman - 0
Atributes mapping for ChefRepoUrl
#231 opened by grantleehoffman - 3
- 1
update fog to 1.19.0
#221 opened by capen - 3
Support nested stack
#227 opened by wbingli - 0
Stack Updates Wait Too Long
#224 opened - 0
- 0
Getting started page has bad link
#219 opened by grantleehoffman - 0
- 1
Catch and display Excon errors
#204 opened by weavenet - 13
- 0
Simple Deploy attributes option in create, update and clone should be --attribute
#214 opened by weavenet - 1
Catch Rate Exceeded errors and sleep
#159 opened by weavenet - 0
Clone command should not write to temp file
#208 opened by ccloes-intuit - 7
Add option to delete attribute from Stack.
#169 opened by weavenet - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
throws stack errors when trying to clone EIP stack
#196 opened by keviny22 - 0
- 1
Look into ways to encrypt metadata
#164 opened by weavenet - 3
- 8
- 2
Look at ditching tinder gem as a dependency
#162 opened by thbishop - 1
Update logging messages to match Chef format
#165 opened by weavenet - 0
Review error handling
#189 opened by weavenet - 7
Error deploying
#182 opened by bradly - 0
Exception thrown for ssh command
#172 opened by thbishop - 0
Catch Internal Errors
#166 opened by weavenet - 4
- 0
- 0
Gracefully handle connection timeouts
#146 opened by thbishop - 1
Stacktrace error when trying to execute command on instances but instances are inaccessible.
#155 opened by keviny22 - 2
- 0
Catch SSH authentication errors in deploy or execute and display friendly message
#149 opened by weavenet - 1
- 1
Add -a as-command-args to outputs command
#151 opened by weavenet - 2
Simple Deploy instances is sporadically returning one less than the required instances.
#157 opened by weavenet - 1
- 1
Clone command should take -l (--log-level)
#134 opened by thbishop - 0
- 2
- 1
Gracefully error out when a stack already exists
#137 opened by thbishop - 1
Add wait_for_stable to deploy command after any updates before executing deploy
#140 opened by weavenet - 0
Remove ssh command from help.
#139 opened by weavenet - 1
- 7
Confirm Prod Deployments
#131 opened