
Spring client library for apache pulsar allows consuming applications to integrate easily with apache pulsar.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Spring for Apache Pulsar

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Spring For Apache Pulsar allows any java/kotlin application to easily integrate with Apache Pulsar avoiding boilerplate code. It supports configuration and annotation based creation of pulsar components.

How to use?

Defining producer or consumer is a step-by-step process as described below.

  1. Add spring-pulsar library as dependency in your project.
  2. Define client configuration in property source file.
  3. Create producer using template.
  4. Create consumer using annotation.
  5. Define error handlers.
  6. Sample applications for reference.

Add dependencies

For Spring Pulsar client to work you need to add spring-pulsar library as a dependency in your project. So go ahead and add below dependency in your application.

For Maven application


For Gradle application

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.intuit.pulsar:spring-pulsar-core:$springPulsarCoreVersion'

Define Client Configuration

To create pulsar client you need to define the client properties in your application's properties file and add scanning of base package of the spring-pulsar-core package in your Spring boot application.

Pulsar spring library will automatically detect the client configuration present in your application and generate client using defined properties. See the details below on how to create client.

Add scan base package on spring-pulsar-core package

For Kotlin application

`@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = ["com.intuit.spring.pulsar.client"])`

For Java application

`@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = {"com.intuit.spring.pulsar.client"})`

Define client config in applications property source

In application.yml

            serviceUrl: pulsar+ssl://your.service.url:6651
                tlsAllowInsecureConnection: true
                tlsHostnameVerificationEnable: false
                username: UserName
                password: Password

In application.properties


Define Producer

In order to create a producer, you need to register a producer template bean with properties related to producer. Once the template is registered, you can autowire the template anywhere in your application and use methods like send() and sendAsync() to publish messages to topic.

Below code shows an example of defining a producer template.

open class ProducerConfiguration(val applicationContext: ApplicationContext) {

    open fun producerTemplate(): PulsarProducerTemplate<ByteArray> {
        return PulsarProducerTemplateImpl<ByteArray>(
                    pulsarProducerConfig = PulsarProducerConfig(
                        schema = Schema.BYTES,
                        topicName = "persistent://tenent/namespace/topicName",
                        autoFlush = true),
                    applicationContext = applicationContext)

Once you have created and registered a producer template as spring bean, now you can autowire the producer template in your application and use it to publish messages as below.

class SomeClass(val producerTemplate: PulsarProducerTemplate<ByteArray>) {

    fun publishMessage(message: String): MessageId {
          val messageId: MessageId = producerTemplate.send(message.toByteArray())
          return messageId

Below is the code snippet to define producer template in Java based application.

class ProducerConfiguration {

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    ProducerConfiguration(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
        this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

    public PulsarProducerTemplate<byte[]> producerTemplate() {
        Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<>();
        config.put(TOPIC_NAME, "my-test-topic");
        config.put(AUTO_FLUSH, "true");

        return new PulsarProducerTemplateImpl(

Below code uses the producer template define above to produce messages in a Java based application.

public class SomeClass {

    private final PulsarProducerTemplate<byte[]> producerTemplate;

    public SomeClass(PulsarProducerTemplate<byte[]> producerTemplate) {
	    this.producerTemplate = producerTemplate;

    public void sendMessage(String message) {
        this.producerTemplate.send(message.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8),null,new HashMap<String,String>(),null);


Define Consumer

Defining a consumer is a two-step process as described below.

  • First, you define a consumer listener bean.
  • Second, you register your consumer listener bean as pulsar consumer by annotating it with @PulsarConsumer.

Define Listener

Create a consumer listener bean by implementing either of the below interfaces.

Implementing IPulsarListener<?>

This interface gives you control over the message and acknowledgement process and also exposes the internal Message and Consumer object.Take a look at below example.

  class MyMessageListener: IPulsarListener<ByteArray> {

        override fun onException(
             exception: Exception,
             consumer: org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Consumer<ByteArray>,
             message: Message<ByteArray>
        ) {
             // Here you can define logic on how to handle the exception and
             // send either negative or positive ack.

        override fun onSuccess(
              consumer: org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Consumer<ByteArray>,
              message: Message<ByteArray>
        ) {
             // Here you can define logic on how to handle a successful 
             // processing and send either negative or positive ack.

        override fun processMessage(
              consumer: org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Consumer<ByteArray>,
              message: Message<ByteArray>
        ) {
              // Whenever a message is recived by pulsar runtime 
              // it first lands in this method.
              // Here you can define logic to process the message.
              // If an exception is thrown from this method then the onException() 
              // is executed. If no exception is thrown then the onSuccess() is
              // executed.
  • Control over negative and positive ack.
  • Access to internal Message and Consumer object.
  • Automation delegation to onSuccess and onException to provide unified handling capabilities
  • Preferred when corrective action required when an exception occurs is consistent irrespective of the exception

Implementing MessageListener<?>

Standard MessageListener from pulsar gives you full control over what you want to do when your listener receives a message.

   class MyMessageListener: MessageListener<ByteArray> {
        override fun received(
              consumer: org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Consumer<ByteArray>?,
              message: Message<ByteArray>?
        ) {
              // Whenever a message is recieved it lands in this method
              // Write code here to handle the received message
              // Any exception thrown from here can be handled 
              // by using the in-built exception handling aspect provided by this library
  • received() is called for each message received by consumer.
  • Gives you access to Message and Consumer objects.
  • Control over how to process the message and when to send negative and positive ack.
  • Preferred if you have specific definitive actions to be taken based on the exception thrown

Register Listener as Consumer

Once you have created a consumer listener class and registered it as a spring bean, you can now identify your listener class as a pulsar consumer by annotating it with @PulsarConsumer annotation defined by pulsar-spring-client.

In this @PulsarConsumer annotation you can pass all the configuration related to the consumer as can be seen in the below example.

       topic = Topic(
          topicNames = "Topic_names"
       subscription = Subscription(
          subscriptionName = "Subscription_Name",
          subscriptionType = "Subscription_Type"))
   class MyMessageListener: MessageListener<MessageData> {
        override fun received(
              org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Consumer<MessageData> consumer,
              Message<MessageData> message
        ) {
              // Code to handle mesasge

Below is the code snippet to define consumer in Java based application

       topic = @Topic(
          topicNames = "Topic_names"
       subscription = @Subscription(
          subscriptionName = "Subscription_Name",
          subscriptionType = "Subscription_Type"))
   class MyMessageListener implements MessageListener<MessageData> {
        override fun received(
              consumer: org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Consumer<MessageData>?,
              message: Message<MessageData>?
        ) {
              // Code to handle mesasge

Property Resolution Feature

While creating the @PulsarConsumer annotation, you can utilize Spring's property resolution feature to directly incorporate values from your application.yml or application.properties file into the consumer properties.

For instance, if you have defined properties in your application file as follows:

                name: java-sample-topic01
                name: java-sample-sub01
                type: Key_Shared
                count: 1

You can use them in your consumer by providing the property path, and they will be resolved automatically:

topic = Topic(topicNames = "#{pulsar.sample01.topic.name}"),
subscription = Subscription(
    subscriptionName = "#{pulsar.sample01.subscription.name}",
    subscriptionType = "#{pulsar.sample01.subscription.type}"
count = "#{pulsar.sample01.consumer.count}"

Error Handling

This library provides exception handling capabilities, both while producing and consuming a message, internally using an aspect.

Steps to follow to integrate exception handling capabilities

  • Annotate your producer/consumer with PulsarAction annotations - @PulsarProducerAction, @PulsarConsumerAction
  • Define an exception handler class with the annotation @PulsarExceptionHandlerClass and add exception handler methods with annotations @PulsarProducerExceptionHandlerFunction and @PulsarConsumerExceptionHandlerFunction

Annotating the producer

Add the annotation @PulsarProducerAction to the method where you are using the instance of PulsarProducerTemplateImpl to send a message. The action param on the annotation is to provide a short description on how/what is the message being generated before being sent on Pulsar.


@PulsarProducerAction("description of the BL step")
fun produce(): String {
    //BL logic that is generating the message that could result in an exception
    val messageId =  producerTemplate.send(message.toByteArray())
    return messageId.toString()

Annotating the consumer

Add the annotation @PulsarConsumerAction to the override fun received(consumer: Consumer<ByteArray>?, message: Message<ByteArray>) method inside your consumer listener bean class


@PulsarConsumerAction("description of the BL step")
override fun received(consumer: Consumer<ByteArray>?, message: Message<ByteArray>) {
    val messageString: String = String(message.value)
    //Bl step to process the message that could result in an exception

Note: This strategy of exception handling on the consumer side can only be used when the consumer listener bean is implementing the org.apache.pulsar.client.api.MessageListener<?> interface.

When a consumer listener bean is implementing the interface com.intuit.spring.pulsar.client.consumer.listener.IPulsarListener<?>, any exceptions occurring within the override fun processMessage(consumer: Consumer<ByteArray>, message: Message<ByteArray>) method are delegated to override fun onException(e: Exception, consumer: Consumer<ByteArray>, message: Message<ByteArray>) and hence would not reach the exception handler methods even if you defined one.

Define the exception handler class and methods

Add an exception handler class and annotate it with @PulsarExceptionHandlerClass and within the class, add exception handler methods with details on which exceptions are being handled using annotations @PulsarProducerExceptionHandlerFunction and @PulsarConsumerExceptionHandlerFunction.

The exception handler methods need to implement the below functional interface com.intuit.spring.pulsar.client.exceptions.PulsarExceptionHandler, and only then they qualify to be handlers used when an exception occurs


 * This class will add exception handlers to handle all exceptions
 * thrown by Pulsar producers and consumers
class PulsarExceptionHandlers {
    //This method is invoked when a producer throws a BLServiceException or IOException
    @PulsarProducerExceptionHandlerFunction(BLServiceException::class, IOException::class)
    var pulsarProducerExceptionHandler = PulsarExceptionHandler { exceptionHandlerParams ->
        println("Exception occurred while performing ${exceptionHandlerParams.action}")
        println("Handling producer exception ${exceptionHandlerParams.exception}")
    //This method is invoked when a consumer throws a DownstreamServiceException
    var pulsarConsumerExceptionHandler = PulsarExceptionHandler { exceptionHandlerParams ->
        println("Exception occurred while performing ${exceptionHandlerParams.action}")
        println("Handling consumer exception ${exceptionHandlerParams.exception}")

Sample Applications

If the above descriptions are not enough , and you want to see some sample applications with working code on how to use the library, worry not we have you covered.

We have written some sample spring boot application both in java and kotlin for you to refer to. You can find the samples here. The samples project also has a README which describes in detail the sample applications and how to run them in your local machine. If you are not interested in running these samples and just want to look at the code directly you can visit below links.

Getting Started

Refer to the Getting Started section which contains instructions on setting up the library for development/debugging purposes.

Code of Conduct

Please see our Code of conduct.


For more information on how to use this library check below reference manual: Reference Manual

Contributing to Spring Apache Pulsar

Check Contributing for contribution


This Spring Pulsar library is released under the terms of the MIT License (see LICENSE.md).