
School project for embedded things - Mirrored from GitLab


"Intelligent house 2" is an extension of The Intelligent House. Links to the previous project:

Just like the previous project, this will be hosted on Gitlab, but I will make sure to mirror it to Github.

This project will be split into various projects, as to not confuse the programmer. Proper documentation will appear in this repository, and links to the other projects will appear below.

Table of Contents


Note: If the table of contents is missing, go to the Gitlab repository instead.


General in-depth documentation can be found here for all projects.

IH2 MKR1010

IH2 App

List of repositories


School requirements

  • To read values from sensors wirelessly, and process that data with the intention to make statistics, which can be used to optimise resource usage and health.
  • To remotely control e.g. temperature and ventilation via a web interface.
  • To prepare the readings to be presented in a mobile app.
  • To make it so that relevant devices communicate with each other, either by wireless or wired protocols.
  • To make a good documentation, which gives programmers fast information to use for debugging and configuration.

Personal requirements

  • Make use of MKR Wifi 1010 to upload sensor reading via MQTT.
    • From self
    • If there's time, also from other boards.
  • Make use of other devices and MQTT services to send commands to the board(s) via MQTT.
    • Via MQTT clients
    • If there's time, a custom (quickly made) web interface and/or CLI.
  • Make use of MKR WiFi 1010 to authenticate cards.
    • Via a local array.
    • If there's time, also with an online database via HTTP requests; could also be a local raspberry pi.
  • Make use of a knob to have a menu after login.
  • Make use of the RTC.

If there is time, these are also some extensions to the above requirements.

  • Make use of a database and an online API for the MKR WiFi 1010 to communicate with (both MQTT and HTTP).
    • MariaDB to store authorised cards.
    • Web server to handle the POST and GET requests
  • Send warnings and errors to an online API.
    • Discord API (create a bot or websocket); This one is the easiest, so this one first.
    • Self Made API.
  • Sync RTC via the internet.


  • MKR WiFi 1010 (Board)
  • RFID-RC522 (RFID Reader)
  • DS3231 (Real Time Clock)
  • SSD1306 (OLED Display)
  • DH11 (Temperature And Humidity Reader)
  • MicroServo 9G SG90 (Servo Motor)
  • LEDs
If there is time, also include these:
  • L293D - For communicating with a generic DC motor.
  • ELEGOO Power MB V2
  • 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor
  • 4 Phase ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver PCB

Requirement notices

I may or may not be able to use all of these, but focus will be on the wireless parts, such as the following:

  • Communicating with a remote service
    • To send sensor data to (MQTT)
    • To read commands from (MQTT)
    • To send requests to (HTTP)
    • To read general data from (HTTP)
  • Controlling components
    • Locally via a menu
    • Remotely via an interface

The rest will come if there is time for it, such as potentially connecting a secondary board.

Software, Libraries, Languages, and Services


  • Clion
  • Platform.io
  • PopOS 22.04
  • AVRDude

Potentially if there is time

  • Debian 11
  • MariaDB
  • Apache / NGINX
  • Mosquitto


  • C++ (Arduino specific)
  • BASH

Potentially if there is time

  • PHP
  • MariaDB flavoured SQL
  • JavaScript (not too sure about this, though).



  • Arduino.h


  • ThingSpeak / Shiftr.io (whatever I find more useful)

Potentially if there is time

  • Discord API
  • Self-made API
  • Self-hosted Mosquitto (open source MQTT broker)