websocket-client module is WebSocket client for python. This provide the low level APIs for WebSocket. All APIs are the synchronous functions.
websocket-client supports only hybi-13.
This module is tested on Python 2.7 and Python 3.x.
Type "python setup.py install" or "pip install websocket-client" to install.
from v0.16.0, we can install by "pip install websocket-client" for python 3.
This module depend on
- six
- backports.ssl_match_hostname for Python 2.x
How about Python 3
Now, we support python 3 on single source code from version 0.14.0. Thanks, @battlemidget and @ralphbean.
HTTP Proxy
Support websocket access via http proxy. The proxy server must allow "CONNECT" method to websocket port. Default squid setting is "ALLOWED TO CONNECT ONLY HTTPS PORT".
Current implementation of websocket-client is using "CONNECT" method via proxy.
import websocket ws = websocket.WebSocket() ws.connect("ws://example.com/websocket", http_proxy_host="proxy_host_name", http_proxy_port=3128) :
Low Level API example:
from websocket import create_connection ws = create_connection("ws://echo.websocket.org/") print "Sending 'Hello, World'..." ws.send("Hello, World") print "Sent" print "Receiving..." result = ws.recv() print "Received '%s'" % result ws.close()
If you want to customize socket options, set sockopt.
sockopt example:
from websocket import create_connection ws = create_connection("ws://echo.websocket.org/", sockopt=((socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY),))
JavaScript websocket-like API example:
import websocket import thread import time def on_message(ws, message): print message def on_error(ws, error): print error def on_close(ws): print "### closed ###" def on_open(ws): def run(*args): for i in range(3): time.sleep(1) ws.send("Hello %d" % i) time.sleep(1) ws.close() print "thread terminating..." thread.start_new_thread(run, ()) if __name__ == "__main__": websocket.enableTrace(True) ws = websocket.WebSocketApp("ws://echo.websocket.org/", on_message = on_message, on_error = on_error, on_close = on_close) ws.on_open = on_open ws.run_forever()
How to disable ssl cert verification?
Please set sslopt to {"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE}.
WebSocketApp sample:
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp("wss://echo.websocket.org") ws.run_forever(sslopt={"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE})
create_connection sample:
ws = websocket.create_connection("wss://echo.websocket.org", sslopt={"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE})
WebSocket sample:
ws = websocket.WebSocket(sslopt={"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE}) ws.connect("wss://echo.websocket.org")
How to disable hostname verification.
Please set sslopt to {"check_hostname": False}. (since v0.18.0)
WebSocketApp sample:
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp("wss://echo.websocket.org") ws.run_forever(sslopt={"check_hostname": False})
create_connection sample:
ws = websocket.create_connection("wss://echo.websocket.org", sslopt={"check_hostname": False})
WebSocket sample:
ws = websocket.WebSocket(sslopt={"check_hostname": False}) ws.connect("wss://echo.websocket.org")
How to enableSNI support is available for Python 2.7.9+ and 3.2+. It will be enabled automatically whenever possible.
Sub Protocols.
The server needs to support sub protocols, please set the subprotcol like this.
Subprotocol sample:
ws = websocket.create_connection("ws://exapmle.com/websocket", subprotocols=["binary", "base64"])
wsdump.py is simple WebSocket test(debug) tool.
sample for echo.websocket.org:
$ wsdump.py ws://echo.websocket.org/ Press Ctrl+C to quit > Hello, WebSocket < Hello, WebSocket > How are you? < How are you?
- usage::
- wsdump.py [-h] [-v [VERBOSE]] ws_url
WebSocket Simple Dump Tool
- positional arguments:
- ws_url websocket url. ex. ws://echo.websocket.org/
- optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit - WebSocketApp
-v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE set verbose mode. If set to 1, show opcode. If set to 2, enable to trace websocket module
$ wsdump.py ws://echo.websocket.org/ $ wsdump.py ws://echo.websocket.org/ -v $ wsdump.py ws://echo.websocket.org/ -vv