
Recommendation system using als implemented in flask

Primary LanguageHTML

Recomendation Systems Using Alternating Least Square With Pyspark, Implemented on Flask Framework

  • Framework: Flask
    • flask_bcrypt
    • flask_wtf
    • flask_paginate
  • Database: MongoDB
    • pymongo
    • mongo-connect (pyspark package)
  • Styling: Tailwindcss
    • @tailwindcss/forms
  • Apache Spark: Pyspark




  • ml-latest-small - Small Movielens datasets
  • data.json - contains results of scraped data from to_json.py

Application Flow

graph LR
    A[Movielens Dataset] --> |preprocessing| B(Training Model)
    C[Experiment]-->|Tunning| B 
    B --> |Integration| D[Flask prototype]


  • selection.py - Select imdbIds of movies of different genres with format dictionary with tag genre for key and list of imdbId as value

  • scrape.py - Uses bs4 and Requests to extract imdbId, title, year, poster, rating, summary, time, genres. return with json dumps

  • to_json.py - the scraped movies data append to list in json format with data.json and empty "[]". It's a bit weird to add empty list in file. but, its work! saving in json to handle: adding movieId and imdbId to confirm both id is match, for processing multiple genres in each movie and ensure that genres data type is array,m l/m in database, for processing when want to put certain data, ex: only year less than or more than, etc.

Experiment ALS

  • CF_ALS.ipynb - this notebook represent experiment ALS with hyperparameter tuning and preprocessing data both used in ALS and Web Application. pyspark with mongo-connect responsibility to handle inserting data to mongodb after preprocessing.

Flask Web Application

Web Aplication is on Web Folder

  • Static folder - Contains css config for tailwindcss, javascript to handle rating display and more static file.

  • Templates folder - Contains HTML handled with jinja2

  1. layouts folder for base templating to share layouts contains header, footer
  2. other folder and file represent handle page for each other owned file or folder name.

Running Web App Locally

assume if installed dependencies and adding config

  • installed node (for tailwindcss), python, and apache spark
  • Make sure to config mongodb port in web/app.py
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd web
npm install 
npm run watch
python app.py