Qlik Programing Challenge

These programming challenges are used as a portion of the interview process at Qlik.

Note: There are no trick questions, however there are some ways to go above and beyond the strict requirements of the question that can speak to the creativity of the candidate.

How to Participate

Fork this repository and read the instruction text files in each challenge folder. Complete the challenges, commit and push back to your repository, then open a pull request against this project. We will close the pull request, but it notifies our dev team that someone has taken up the challenge!


  1. Submissions can be submitted in any language
  2. Modify this readme to include a section on how we can run your code. This can either be an executable, docker image, a list of instructions, etc... We just need a way to be able to run your code on our computers!
  3. 3rd-party vendor libaries can be used if needed

Good luck!