
Manage nested list within Filament

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Filament Nested List

Filament Nested List is a plugin for Filament Admin that creates a model management page with a heritage nested list structure view. This plugin can be used to create menus and more.

This plugin creates model management page with heritage nested list structure view for Filament Admin. It could be used to create menu, etc.


To install the package, run the following command:

composer require invaders-xx/filament-nested-list
php artisan filament:assets

Note: Add plugin Blade files to your custom theme tailwind.config.js for dark mode.

To set up your own custom theme, you can visit the official instruction page on the Filament website.

Add the plugin's views to your tailwind.config.js file.

content: [

Then, publish the config file using:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-nested-list-config"

You can set your preferred options by adding the following code to your config/filament-nested-list.php file:


return [
     * Tree model fields
    'column_name' => [
        'order' => 'order',
        'parent' => 'parent_id',
        'title' => 'title',
     * Tree model default parent key
    'default_parent_id' => -1,
     * Tree model default children key name
    'default_children_key_name' => 'children',


Prepare the database and model

To use Filament Nested List, follow these table structure conventions:

Tip: The parent_id field must always default to -1!!!

Schema::create('product_categories', function (Blueprint $table) {

This plugin provides a convenient method called nestedListColumns() that you can use to add the required columns for the nested list structure to your table more easily. Here's an example:

Schema::create('product_categories', function (Blueprint $table) {

This will automatically add the required columns for the nested list structure to your table.

The above table structure contains three required fields: parent_id, order, title, and other fields do not have any requirements.

The corresponding model is app/Models/ProductCategory.php:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use InvadersXX\FilamentNestedList\Concern\ModelNestedList;

class ProductCategory extends Model
     use ModelNestedList;

    protected $fillable = ["parent_id", "title", "order"];

    protected $table = 'product_categories';

The field names of the three fields parent_id, order, and title in the table structure can also be modified:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use InvadersXX\FilamentNestedList\Concern\ModelNestedList;

class ProductCategory extends Model
    use ModelNestedList;

    protected $fillable = ["parent_id", "title", "order"];

    protected $table = 'product_categories';

    // Default if you need to override

    // public function determineOrderColumnName(): string
    // {
    //     return "order";
    // }

    // public function determineParentColumnName(): string
    // {
    //     return "parent_id";
    // }

    // public function determineTitleColumnName(): string
    // {
    //     return 'title';
    // }

    // public static function defaultParentKey()
    // {
    //     return -1;
    // }

    // public static function defaultChildrenKeyName(): string
    // {
    //     return "children";
    // }



Filament provides a powerful feature that allows you to display widgets inside pages, below the header and above the footer. This can be useful for adding additional functionality to your resource pages.

To create a Nested List Widget and apply it to a resource page, you can follow these steps:

1. Creating a Filament Resource Page

To create a resources page, run the following command:

php artisan make:filament-resource ProductCategory

2. Create Nested List Widget

Prepare the filament-nested-list Widget and show it in Resource page.

php artisan make:filament-nested-list-widget ProductCategoryWidget

Now you can see the Widget in Filament Folder


namespace App\Filament\Widgets;

use App\Models\ProductCategory as ModelsProductCategory;
use App\Filament\Widgets;
use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput;
use InvadersXX\FilamentNestedList\Widgets\NestedList as BaseWidget;

class ProductCategoryWidget extends BaseWidget
    protected static string $model = ModelsProductCategory::class;

    // you can customize the maximum depth of your tree
    protected static int $maxDepth = 2;

    protected ?string $itle = 'ProductCategory';

    protected bool $enableTitle = true;

    protected function getFormSchema(): array
        return [

3. Displaying a widget on a resource page

Once you have created the widget, modify the getHeaderWidgets() or getFooterWidgets() methods of the resource page to show the nested list view:


namespace App\Filament\Resources\ProductCategoryResource\Pages;

use App\Filament\Resources\ProductCategoryResource;
use App\Filament\Widgets\ProductCategory;
use Filament\Pages\Actions;
use Filament\Resources\Pages\ListRecords;

class ListProductCategories extends ListRecords
    protected static string $resource = ProductCategoryResource::class;

    protected function getActions(): array
        return [

    protected function getHeaderWidgets(): array
        return [

Publishing Views

To publish the views, use:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-nested-list-views"

Publishing Translations

To publish the translations, use:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-nested-list-translations"


To run the tests, run:

composer test


See the CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


See CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover any security related issues, please email info+package@solutionforest.net instead of using the issue tracker.



Filament Nested List is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

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