Bookstore REST API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Book Browsing and Sorting

Retrieve List of Books by Genre

  • Logic: Given a specific genre, return a list of books for that genre.
  • HTTP Request Type: GET
  • Parameters Sent: Genre
  • Response Data: JSON List of book objects

Retrieve List of Top Sellers (Top 10 books that have sold the most copied)

  • Logic: Return the top 10 books that have sold the most copies in descending order (most copies sold would be #1)
  • HTTP Request Type: GET
  • Parameters Sent: None
  • Response Data : JSON List of book objects

Retrieve List of Books for a particular rating and higher

  • Logic: Filter by rating higher or equal to the passed rating value.
  • HTTP Request Type: GET
  • Parameters Sent: Rating
  • Response Data: JSON List of book objects

Discount books by publisher.

  • Logic: Update the price of all books under a publisher by a discount percent.
  • HTTP Request Type: PUT or PATCH
  • Parameters Sent: Discount percent, Publisher
  • Response Data: None

Profile Management

Create a User with username, password and optional fields (name, email address, home address)

  • Logic: Provided the user fields, create the user in the database.
  • HTTP Request Type: POST
  • Parameters Sent: User Object
  • Response Data: None

Retrieve a User Object and its fields by their username

  • Logic: Given a specific username, retrieve the user details.
  • HTTP Request Type: GET
  • Parameters Sent: Username
  • Response Data: JSON User object.

Update the user and any of their fields except for mail

  • Logic: Given the username as a key lookup value and any other user field, update that user field with the new param value.
  • HTTP Request Type: PUT / PATCH
  • Parameters Sent: Username
  • Response Data: None

Create Credit Card that belongs to a User

  • Logic: Given a user name and credit card details, create a credit card for that user.
  • HTTP Request Type: POST
  • Parameters Sent: User name, Credit Card Object
  • Response Data: None

Shopping Cart

Retrieve the subtotal price of all items in the user’s shopping cart.

  • Logic: Give a user Id,return the subtotal of the books in the cart.
  • HTTP Request Type: GET
  • Parameters Sent: User Id
  • Response Data: Calculated Subtotal

Add a book to the shopping cart.

  • Logic: Provided with a book Id and a User Id, add the book to the user’s shopping cart.
  • HTTP Request Type: POST
  • Parameters Sent: Book Id, User Id
  • Response Data: None

Retrieve the list of book(s) in the user’s shopping cart.

  • Logic: Give a user Id, return a list of books that are in the shopping cart.
  • HTTP Request Type: GET
  • Parameters Sent: User Id
  • Response Data: List of Book Objects

Delete a book from the shopping cart instance for that user.

  • Logic: Given a book If and a User Id, remove the book from the user’s shopping cart.
  • HTTP Request Type: DELETE
  • Parameters Sent: Book Id, User Id
  • Response Data: None

Book Details

An administrator must be able to create a book with the book ISBN, book name, book description,

price, author, genre, publisher , year published and copies sold.

  • Logic: Given a Book’s info, add it to the system.
  • HTTP Request Type: POST
  • Parameters Sent: Book Object
  • Response Data: None

Must be able retrieve a book’s details by the ISBN

  • Logic: Given a book id, retrieve the book information
  • HTTP Request Type: GET
  • Parameters Sent: Book Id
  • Response Data: Book object JSON

An administrator must be able to create an author with first name, last name, biography and


  • Logic: Given an Author’s Info, add it to the system.
  • HTTP Request Type: POST
  • Parameters Sent: Author Object
  • Response Data: None

Must be able to retrieve a list of books associated with an author

  • Logic: Given an Author’s Id, return the list of books for that author.
  • HTTP Request Type: GET
  • Parameters Sent: Author Id
  • Response Data: JSON list of Book Objects

Book Rating and Commenting

Must be able to create a rating for a book by a user on a 5 star scale with a datestamp

  • Logic: Create a rating for a book given by a user.
  • HTTP Request Type: POST
  • Parameters Sent: Rating, User Id, Book Id
  • Response Data: None

Must be able to create a comment for a book by a user with a datestamp

  • Logic: Create a comment for a book given by a user.
  • HTTP Request Type: POST
  • Parameters Sent: Comment, User Id, Book Id
  • Response Data: None

Must be able to retrieve a list of all comments for a particular book.

  • Logic: Retrieve a list of comments for the book
  • HTTP Request Type: GET
  • Parameters Sent: Book Id
  • Response Data: JSON list of comments

Must be able to retrieve the average rating for a book

  • Logic: Given a book Id, calculate the average rating as a decimal.
  • HTTP Request Type: GET
  • Parameters Sent: Book Id
  • Response Data: Computed Average rating (decimal)

Wish List Management

Must be able to create a wishlist of books that belongs to user and has a unique name

  • Logic: Given a user Id and a wish list name, create the wishlist.
  • HTTP Request Type: POST
  • Parameters Sent: Wish list name, User Id
  • Response Data: None

Must be able to add a book to a user’s wishlisht

  • Logic: Given a book Id and a wish list Id, add the book to that wish list.
  • HTTP Request Type: POST
  • Parameters Sent: Book Id, Wishlist Id
  • Response Data: None

Must be able to remove a book from a user’s wishlist into the user’s shopping cart

  • Logic: : Given a book Id and a wish list Id, remove the book to that wish list.
  • HTTP Request Type: DELETE
  • Parameters Sent: Book Id, Wishlist Id
  • Response Data: None

Must be able to list the book’s in a user’s wishlist

  • Logic: Given a wishlist Id, return a list of the books in that wishlist.
  • HTTP Request Type: GET
  • Parameters Sent: Wishlist Id
  • Response Data: JSON LIST of books in the user’s wishlist.