
Basic testing React Redux Components, action creators, and reducers.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Basic React Redux testing with Jest

clone our repo

--depth 1 removes all but one .git commit history

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/invegat/basic-jest-testing.git

change directory to our repo

cd basic-jest-testing

install the repo with yarn

yarn install

run the tests

yarn test

For my level of experience I have " verbose: true" in jest.config.js, to restore the default of false edit or delete jest.config.js.

Most of the code is copied from "Learning Path: Building React Applications with Redux and Flux" Published by Pearson Education 2017 on Safari Books Online https://www.safaribooksonline.com/learning-paths/learning-path-building/9780134689197/9780134676920-arjs_13_00 - Though it uses older React Redux testing tools not Jest