- 0
- 8
Drop TimeZones.jl dependendency
#114 opened by oxinabox - 4
TagBot trigger issue
#87 opened by JuliaTagBot - 1
CI Failure: BSON not found in tests on julia 1.7
#118 opened by morris25 - 4
JLSO.load fails in v 1.7.1
#119 opened by vishalhedgevantage - 4
Serialization using JLD2
#68 opened by JonasIsensee - 0
- 2
[CI] TypeError: in new, expected Union{Nothing, DateTime}, got a value of type Int64
#115 opened by arnaudh - 0
Unable to specify init parameter in BSON.jl
#112 opened by racinmat - 2
CI on AArch64
#111 opened by oxinabox - 2
Issue loading 64-bit files on 32-bit systems
#96 opened by rofinn - 2
- 6
- 0
Failing to serialize lambda function when using BSON
#105 opened by racinmat - 2
Functions and nested functions
#104 opened by aiqc - 0
CI doctest failures
#102 opened by mjram0s - 1
- 4
Maybe change the default?
#97 opened by PallHaraldsson - 6
- 0
Use Revise.jl with Pkg.activate?
#93 opened by rofinn - 0
- 0
- 1
- 2
Tag a release
#85 opened by oxinabox - 0
- 0
Update Documenter
#82 opened by rofinn - 0
Fix 32-bit issue on julia 1.5 or higher
#80 opened by rofinn - 0
Move away from Appveyor
#77 opened by rofinn - 0
add CompatHelper action
#63 opened by CarloLucibello - 8
- 6
Easy way to get the versions of all the packages
#32 opened by oxinabox - 3
- 1
Cannot save empty named tuple using :bson format
#55 opened by ablaom - 0
- 3
- 6
Can't load the package: LoadError: Cannot read stream serialized with a newer version of Julia
#73 opened by tlienart - 7
- 2
LoadError on Julia 1.4.2
#69 opened by ablaom - 0
- 6
Keep getting Manifest.toml not found error
#67 opened by biona001 - 1
Support HDF5/JLD/JLD2 format
#23 opened by oxinabox - 0
Add support for FilePathsBase.jl
#56 opened by mjram0s - 4
#48 opened by haampie - 2
- 0
Add Julia v1.3 CI tests
#45 opened by nickrobinson251 - 7
- 7
- 5
Massive load time for Julia 1.3+
#33 opened by colinxs - 2
- 1