Small Python library to validate persistent identifiers used in scholarly communication.
- aaccomazzi
- anastass
- DziolasKraków, Poland
- egabancho
- fenekku
- frecarFacebook
- Garfield-frSwitzerland
- gszpura
- hbayindirAnkara, Turkey
- helix84
- jalavikBankID BankAxept AS
- jbenito3CERN
- jhcloos
- jirikuncar@openagency
- jma@rero
- jmartinmCERN
- jrblCalifornia, USA
- kaplun@ProtonMail
- kasioumisThe Global Fund
- lhenzeNew York University
- lnielsenCERN
- makistsantekidis
- mfennerFront Matter
- ntaroccoCERN
- OssoDallas, TX
- otron
- ppiotrCERN
- remileducFrance
- richard-jonesCottage Labs
- robk5uj
- romanchylaAmazon (AWS)
- slintCERN
- Steven-Eardley@CottageLabs, Technoantics
- tiborsimko
- traviscbYelp
- utnapischtimGraz University of Technology