
Final project for ECEGR 2220 Microprocessor Design

Primary LanguageVHDL

FPGA MIPS Processor


This project was the culmination of everything we learned in ECEGR 2220 Microprocessor Design class. We created a (stripped-down) single-cycle MIPS processor in VHDL. It was limited to the MIPS instructions: add, sub, and, or, addi, lw, sw, beq, j, sll, and srl.

How to run

Roughly follow the instructions on Intel's website

  • Install Quartus Prime Lite
  • Start a new Quartus project for your FPGA
  • Add the files in the GitHub repo to your project
  • Set MIPS.vhd as the Top-Level Entity by right-clicking the file
  • Start compilation (Ctrl+L)
  • Go to Tools → Programmer, and click Auto Detect
  • Click on the JTAG chain for the FPGA (not the HPS)
  • Click Add File and select output_files/MIPS.sof
  • Delete the redundant option in the list that does not have the file
  • Click Start