
X-Carve Instructions

Primary LanguageHTML

This is the official documentation for assembling X-Carve, a 3D carving kit from Inventables. Like X-Carve itself, these instructions are open-source.

If you have experience with Github, feel free to fork this branch and submit a pull request. The instructions are built using Jekyll and are formatted using Textile (with some HTML mixed in).

It's also possible to suggest changes through Github itself. Each step of the instructions is generated from a file named index.textile, contained inside the folder for that step (eg step02/index.textile). The one exception is the file for the first step, which is index.textile inside the main x-carve-instructions folder.

Find the index.textile file for the step you'd like to edit, and click the pencil icon in the top right. This will let you fork a branch and make changes right in the browser. You can then submit a pull request to have your changes reviewed and integrated. Learn more about pull requests here.

If you prefer, you can also submit a Github issue using the menu to the right:

Github issues!

Local Installation

Setting up the site on your local machine:

  1. $ gem install bundler - Install bundler ruby gem
  2. $ git clone https://github.com/inventables/x-carve-instructions.git - Clone project
  3. $ cd x-carve-instructions - Switch to project directory
  4. $ bundle install - Install the necessary gems
  5. $ bundle exec jekyll serve - Serve site locally using Jekyll
  6. go to http://localhost:4000