- 0
[Package] Setup @inventare/react
#139 opened by EduardoJM - 0
- 0
[Skeleton] Create skeleton styles
#130 opened by EduardoJM - 0
Write a ROADMAP on the readme
#131 opened by EduardoJM - 0
- 0
[Select] allow to use input for the display value to find (add event to trigger here)
#128 opened by EduardoJM - 0
[Select] set z-index of the dropdown
#123 opened by EduardoJM - 0
- 0
[Select] dispatch event opened when the dropdown is open (to allow fetch data)
#126 opened by EduardoJM - 0
[FormControl] Allow form-control "input" encapsulate some addorns, like icons
#125 opened by EduardoJM - 0
[Spinner] Create a base spinner component
#122 opened by EduardoJM - 0
[Select] When the select item data-value="0", is not possible to apply it value to field
#115 opened by EduardoJM - 0
- 0
[Alert] Create error message
#119 opened by EduardoJM - 0
[Alert] Add success alert
#116 opened by EduardoJM - 0
[Alert] Add warning alert
#117 opened by EduardoJM - 0
[Select] Create a custom select component
#113 opened by EduardoJM - 0
Create a card system
#102 opened by EduardoJM - 0
Create a base modal component
#101 opened by EduardoJM - 0
Write tests for the JavaScript of Modal
#106 opened by EduardoJM - 0
Create basic icon system (close arrow, for example)
#103 opened by EduardoJM - 0
Add truncate helper class
#99 opened by EduardoJM - 0
- 0
- 0
add font-size configuration for the sidebar-icon
#92 opened by EduardoJM - 0
Fix sidebar collapse and expand itens
#90 opened by EduardoJM - 0
- 0
Create a bootstrap like tooltip component interable with other javascript and style components of our design-system
#88 opened by EduardoJM - 0
Create documentation about SidebarButton
#79 opened by EduardoJM - 0
Create documentation about collapse
#80 opened by EduardoJM - 0
create spacing standard and add to docs
#73 opened by EduardoJM - 0
- 0
Add pill border-radius
#75 opened by EduardoJM - 1
[Design] Create Colors for Schemas
#49 opened by EduardoJM - 0
border-radius add visual examples
#72 opened by EduardoJM - 0
Create storybook without react (HTML5/JS)
#67 opened by EduardoJM - 0
Adjusts github pages deploy
#71 opened by EduardoJM - 0
Remove current storybook and begin recreating
#68 opened by EduardoJM - 0
Regenerate npm token
#69 opened by EduardoJM - 0
- 0
- 0
[Icons] Create close icon (cross)
#47 opened by EduardoJM - 0
[Icons] Create package with common icons
#46 opened by EduardoJM - 0
[Button] the default button variant (without styles) not disable when disabled is true
#43 opened by EduardoJM - 0
- 0
[CI] Create the workflow to deploy the storybook documentation to the GitHub Pages
#38 opened by EduardoJM - 0
Remove the HTML Storybook Version of the packages/style and use only packages/react
#37 opened by EduardoJM - 0
- 0
- 0