Tirex Tile Rendering System =========================== Tirex is a bunch of tools that let you run a tile server. A tile server is a web server that hands out pre-rendered map raster images to clients. The web page for Tirex is at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tirex . See there for more information. PREREQUISITES ------------- You'll need the following Perl modules to run Tirex: * IPC::ShareLite (Debian/Ubuntu: libipc-sharelite-perl) * JSON (Debian/Ubuntu: libjson-perl) * GD (Debian/Ubuntu: libgd-gd2-perl) * LWP (Debian/Ubuntu: libwww-perl) You'll need a C++ compiler and build tools to compile the Mapnik backend. BUILDING -------- To build Tirex run make in the main directory. This will compile the mapnik backend and create the man pages for the Perl modules. Call 'make clean' to cleanup after a 'make'. INSTALLING ---------- To install Tirex call make install as root user. This will install the main parts of Tirex including the tirex-master, tirex-backend-manager and the Mapnik backend. This will not install the example map, or the munin or nagios plugins. To install those, call make install-example-map make install-munin make install-nagios respectively. You can also install everything with make install-all DEBIAN/UBUNTU ------------- To create Debian/Ubuntu packages you need the package 'devscripts' installed. Call make deb to create the packages. The following packages will be created in the parent directory: tirex-core tirex-backend-mapnik tirex-backend-wms tirex-backend-mapserver tirex-example-map tirex-munin-plugin tirex-nagios-plugin tirex-syncd Call 'make deb-clean' to cleanup after a 'make deb'. TESTS ----- Call 'prove' in the main directory to run Perl unit tests. You need Test::More (Debian/Ubuntu: libtest-simple-perl) and Test::Harness (Debian/Ubuntu: libtest-harness-perl) installed. There are some other tests in the 'test' directory. See the description at the beginning of the scripts for information on how to use them.
Tirex tile queue manager. A drop-in replacement for renderd. Moved here from OSM SVN.