A React Native library providing support for Apple Authentication on iOS and Android.
Pinned issues
Credential always REVOKED ios18+ Simulator (workaround: use iOS17 or ignore status)
#356 opened by gabemeola
- 6
Native Component Frame Not Propagating to RNAppleAuthButtonView Correctly (AppleButton incorrectly positioned)
#361 opened by Richard-HeadCoach - 1
- 17
After Revoking Apple ID (Stop Using Apple ID) not getting full name and email on next login attempt
#340 opened by michaelbrant - 1
Initial setup missing mention of configuration of 'Sign in with Apple for Email Communication'
#358 opened by jkotchoff - 0
Apple Auth Not working after revoking access to app in iOS Settings (Version ^2.4.0) iOS
#353 opened by ibraheem88 - 2
Currently not working under iOS 18
#346 opened by imp87 - 2
- 11
Credential always REVOKED ios18+ Simulator (workaround: use iOS17 or ignore status)
#356 opened by gabemeola - 6
Usage with RN Web
#342 opened by gavrilikhin-d - 4
TypeError: Cannot read property 'LOGIN' of undefined
#354 opened by Ibtixam - 12
Support new RN architectures and Fabric render
#323 opened by xrustic2020 - 1
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Support for VisionOS
#350 opened by j6alvarez - 2
- 1
Getting popup "You need to sign in with your apple id in settings" even if i have already added account
#347 opened by tarunasosa22 - 0
Revoking Apple ID (Stop Using Apple ID) not working in my application it's till display and get the data
#344 opened by shivanitp - 1
i am getting error while apple login, it;s unable to cofigure, it's saying module not found for responseType: appleAuthAndroid.ResponseType.ALL, and also for scope: appleAuthAndroid.Scope.ALL, can you research for latest bugs on git or stack to find error.
#343 opened by IIIPL - 1
[TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_reactNativeAppleAuthentication.appleAuthAndroid.ResponseType.ALL')]
#326 opened by RuzenDev - 2
How to extract email from an Apple login's token?
#338 opened by kdn0325 - 1
May I ask why the user's information is null
#339 opened by zhen-zhong - 0
How to extract email from an Apple login's token?
#337 opened by kdn0325 - 1
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Token expires after 24 hours
#312 opened by kamil-floqsta - 3
Prop types seems to be a peer dep
#307 opened by zRelux - 2
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First time setup prevents Expo dev-client from loading "Unable to resolve prop-types"
#317 opened by MatD1 - 1
Two factor authentication flow in android
#321 opened by MVeitchW - 1
Specify clientId on iOS
#331 opened by Ge0ffreyS - 2
Task :app:processReleaseResources FAILED
#324 opened by Saliheen - 2
Make it possible to custom button text on Android
#332 opened by tony95271 - 1
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Android build error (React Native 0.71.11) : Could not find androidx.core:core-ktx:1.3.0
#325 opened by lukkimo - 1
- 1
Getting 'maven' not found with gradle 7.3.3
#320 opened by thevikas - 2
Not able to build in android [solution: older android toolchains need `kotlinVersion = "1.6.21"` in `android/build.gradle` ext block]
#297 opened by ForamPattha - 1
Need help, I can't find "ios" directory
#318 opened by griiid - 1
iOS: crash on first time login
#314 opened by doomsower - 1
Task :invertase_react-native-apple-authentication:generateDebugRFile FAILED
#316 opened by arslanrazzaq - 3
Not able to build an app due to :react-native-apple-authentication:androidJavadoc Failure
#313 opened by BotanMan - 0
Service ID Error on Firebase Android and iOS
#310 opened by murilopf-up - 2
Release build error on Android
#311 opened by supershik - 3
Issue building in Android
#309 opened by rbjamaca - 2
Had a problem with gradle-plugin
#308 opened by evaei - 2
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Additional config for release is needed?
#302 opened by carlosen14 - 1
Android app crashes
#300 opened by thinhtt264 - 1
bundle aab Type com.RNAppleAuthentication.AppleAuthenticationAndroidModule$2 is defined multiple times
#298 opened by tsansome