Inves Technology | Hello World


A simple Hello World Lambda function featuring:

  • Koa + Nodemon for easy local testing & hot reloads
  • Lambda specific Koa config (plus examples of how do do binary files in Lambda)
  • Eslint + Prettier Config
  • .nvmrc for pegging nvm level
  • tsconfig.json & webpack.config
  • Terraform for AWS Deployment
  • Seperation of Dev & Prod config & deployments
  • Dockerfile & docker-compose for doing local Docker dev
  • Logger & Config added to Koa context


  • Terraform installed
  • A terraform backend state bucket created. We share one bucket between the projects. E.g. aws s3 mb s3://inves-technology-terraform-state --region af-south-1. Naming convention is $AWSPROFILE}-terraform-state
  • AWS CLI installed, and configured with an appropriate profile. We use profiles extensively since we often need to switch between various AWS environments

Create project from template

NB There is a difference in how sed works on MAC vs Ubuntu, so we're listing two versions for now, until we can find a platform-independent solution


# Set New Service name & other variables:
# Init and copy template from github:
mkdir $SERVICENAME && \
  git clone $SERVICENAME && \
  cd "$_" && \
  rm -rf .git && \
  grep -rl inves-template-rest . | xargs sed -i 's/inves-template-rest/'"$SERVICENAME"'/g' && \
  grep -rl inves-technology . | xargs sed -i 's/inves-technology/'"$AWSPROFILE"'/g' && \
  grep -rl af-south-1 . | xargs sed -i 's/af-south-1/'"$AWSREGION"'/g' && \
  git init && git checkout -b main && git add . && git commit -am "🎉 Initial Commit" && \
  make yarn && make init && \
  code .
# Note: ignore warnings about Terraform workspaces that already exist. 


# Set New Service name & other variables:
# Init and copy template from github:
mkdir $SERVICENAME && \
  git clone $SERVICENAME && \
  cd "$_" && \
  rm -rf .git && \
  grep -rl inves-template-rest . | LC_ALL=C xargs sed -i '' -e 's/inves-template-rest/'"$SERVICENAME"'/g' && \
  grep -rl inves-technology . | LC_ALL=C xargs sed -i '' -e 's/inves-technology/'"$AWSPROFILE"'/g' && \
  grep -rl af-south-1 . | LC_ALL=C xargs sed -i '' -e 's/af-south-1/'"$AWSREGION"'/g' && \
  git init && git checkout -b main && git add . && git commit -am "🎉 Initial Commit" && \
  make yarn && make init && \
  code .
# Note: ignore warnings about Terraform workspaces that already exist. 


To run:

# Locally
make run 
# Docker
make build up
make run

To deploy

# Locally (Prerequisites: Terraform > 1.2.2)
make init
make env=dev deploy
# Docker 
make up
make env=dev deploy

To destroy cloud infrastructure

make env=dev destroy

To Do

  • Fix the old way of sending aws credentials into Docker
  • Try out VsCode Docker Remote dev again
  • Find platform independent find-and-replace solution instead of duplicating for Mac


Kenny Inggs Braam Genis Jen Wynne
Kenny Inggs Braam Genis Jen Wynne