
Back-end for MVP web-app. Apollo Server, Nnex. Implemented core functions (auth) and some services.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


# install knex cli tool 
npm install knex -g

# create knexfule
knex init

Edit knex file to smthlike this:

   development: {
    client: 'sqlite3',
    connection: {
      filename: './dev.sqlite3'

Run migration

knex migrate:latest --env development 

Run gateway.js after launching strapi

node gateway.js


copy config/default.yml to production.yml edit settings

pm2 start pm2.ecosystem.config.js
pm2 restart pm2.ecosystem.config.js
pm2 start pm2.ecosystem.config.js --only "finhub-web-api"
pm2 start pm2.ecosystem.config.js --only "finhub-web-front"