
On-demand zero-maintenance awk-powered database engine

Primary LanguagePython


On-demand zero-maintenance awk-powered database engine.

You can start a database server in any unix folder and serve the content over the network.

The query language is powered by awk and other unix tools under the hood.


Most of the modern database management systems are highly sophisticated and performant pieces of technology. They are marvels of software engineering, applying the most optimized algorithms and data structures to process and store enourmous amounts of information.

These systems are fighter jets of data handling. And, as a modern fighter jet, any such system costs a lot. It needs a highly skilled maintenance crew and pilot, it needs expensive spare parts, and it burns a lot of jet fuel.

But what if you don't need a fighter jet, and all you need is a cheap unicycle. Maybe your use case doesn't require enormous power and needs just a simple data access solution that is super-easy to install, run and maintain. Awkward tries to fill the niche. It is a unicycle of database engines.

Once I had the need to aggregate data from multiple log files on my server. The industrial-strength solution would be to deploy log aggregation system like ELK or similar. But it is an overkill for my case. Another option is to deploy a local lightweight DBMS (like LiteSQL) and then import and request data from there. This also seems to be quite complex.

It is also quite easy to expose those files over HTTP just by starting python simple http server in the logs folder. But in this scenario we would have to load potentially big log files over the network and aggregate them on the client side.

As a regular UNIX junkie, I just connected to that server over ssh and used powerful UNIX toolbox (grep/sed/awk/sort/unique...) to aggregate the log data on local filesystem. But what if I can do the same with web-native tools over http/https protocols without the need to connect over the ssh? That is how idea of awkward was born.

Lets deliver the power of awk and other unix utils over the web with a simple drop-script you can deploy in seconds.


There might be lot of concerns about security once you start exposing the power of unix shell to the web. It is almost like openly publish ssh credentials, so some threats MUST be considered.

Never expose awkward port to the Internet. It is a sketch/test/debug tool for fast mock-ups and it's not intended for production use.

Consider the usage over https with access token to restrict the access. Also, you can bind the port to particular IP your clients are going to connect from.

Since the main use case is a fast and convenient access to log file data and the such, the most dangerous is the potential ability to access files outside the exposed folder.

To aleviate this, consider running awkward as a highly restricted user or, even better, run it in a docker container with the exposed folder mounted inside.

How to generate SSL certificates

create CA authority first:

cd cert

Now generate the certiciate:


Configure the server to run with the generated awkward.crt.

CA Authority is specified by ./cert/awkwardCA.pem. Include that file in the trusted certification authority list in the browser, or as a verify option in the SSL client.