
machine configurations

Primary LanguageDockerfile


This repo is an initial attempt at automating the installation of some commonly used software across my different machines. It was heavily inspired by a class from ThePrimagen related to developer productivity and how to remove the burden of re-installing your laptop or make it easier to switch between environments.

In addition, I want to practice Ansible and if possible powershell dsc for software installation and/or configuration.

I will prioritize CLI and cross platform tools and their corresponding dotfiles with the intention of automating desktop apps/tools where it makes sense. At any rate, this list may not be comprehensive but will help me keep track of some of the tools i like using.


Software Description Automated
git src control linux
neovim 1st fav editor
powershell shell,scripting linux
az-cli azure, scripting linux
az functions serverless dev linux
starship prompt improvement
gh github


Software Description Automated
zsh default shell linux
oh-my-zsh shell enhancements linux
fzf fuzzy finder linux
fd finder cli linux
thefuck cli fix mistakes linux


Software Description
brave web browser
vscode 2nd fav edit
edge web browser
office 365
Amazon Music
Dell display link dock
hp software
git kraken
ultimaker 3d printer software
bitwarden password escrow


Software Description Automated
mkdocs markdown server
tmux terminal multiplexer linux

Windows Only

Software Description
Visual Studio IDE
Windows Terminal term emulator
Storage Explorer azure storage explorer
Servicebus explorer
windows cred manager
ditto clipboard manager


Slowly but surely working towards migrating my primary development to a mac for now I am documenting additional software i am using

Software Description
brew package manager
iterm2 terminal emulator
alttab better window switchin
rectangle basic window manager
docker desktop containers
copy clip clipboard manager

The following is a mess as i have been experimenting quite a bit and will refine this at a later point but here we have it

main ❯ brew list                                                                                                                                           20:00:17
==> Formulae
aom                             fish                            jpeg                            libxau                          openblas                        rtmpdump
apr                             fontconfig                      jpeg-turbo                      libxcb                          openexr                         rust
apr-util                        freetds                         jpeg-xl                         libxdmcp                        openjdk                         six
argon2                          freetype                        julia                           libxext                         openldap                        sqlite
aspell                          fzf                             krb5                            libxrender                      openlibm                        stylua
autoconf                        gcc                             lazygit                         libzip                          openssl@1.1                     tcl-tk
azure-cli                       gd                              libavif                         little-cms2                     openssl@3                       tidy-html5
azure-functions-core-tools@4    gdbm                            libevent                        lua                             p7zip                           tmux
black                           gettext                         libgit2                         luajit                          pandoc                          tree
brotli                          gh                              libidn2                         luajit-openresty                pcre                            tree-sitter
c-ares                          giflib                          libmpc                          luarocks                        pcre2                           unibilium
ca-certificates                 git                             libnghttp2                      luv                             php                             unixodbc
cairo                           git-gui                         libpng                          lz4                             pipx                            utf8proc
cmake                           glib                            libpq                           lzo                             pixman                          webp
colordiff                       gmp                             libsodium                       m4                              pkg-config                      wget
composer                        go                              libssh2                         mbedtls@2                       prettier                        xorgproto
cookiecutter                    graphite2                       libtermkey                      mpdecimal                       pulumi                          xz
cue                             harfbuzz                        libtiff                         mpfr                            pyenv                           yarn
curl                            highway                         libtool                         msgpack                         python@3.10                     yuicompressor
dagger                          htop                            libunistring                    ncurses                         python@3.11                     zplug
dagger-cue                      hugo                            libuv                           neovim                          python@3.9                      zsh
emscripten                      icu4c                           libvmaf                         node                            readline                        zsh-autosuggestions
exercism                        imath                           libvterm                        oh-my-posh                      rename                          zsh-completions
fd                              isl                             libx11                          oniguruma                       ripgrep                         zstd

==> Casks
alfred                          fig                             git-credential-manager-core     keka                            powershell
alt-tab                         font-hack-nerd-font             insomnia                        keycastr                        rectangle

The following is a list of winget packages , needs review

Name                                                                                              Id
Visual Studio Enterprise 2022                                                                     Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.Enterprise
Bitwarden                                                                                         Bitwarden.Bitwarden
7-Zip 22.01 (x64)                                                                                 7zip.7zip
Amazon Music                                                                                      Amazon.Music
Amazon Kindle                                                                                     Amazon.Kindle
Brave                                                                                             Brave.Brave
CCleaner                                                                                          Piriform.CCleaner.ProTrial
Discord                                                                                           Discord.Discord
Ditto                                                                                  Ditto.Ditto
Docker Desktop                                                                                    Docker.DockerDesktop
Git                                                                                               Git.Git
Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime                                                                   Microsoft.EdgeWebView2Runtime
Windows Terminal                                                                                  Microsoft.WindowsTerminal
Mozilla Firefox (x64 en-US)                                                                       Mozilla.Firefox
Notepad++ (64-bit x64)                                                                            Notepad++.Notepad++
Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise - en-us                                                         Microsoft.Office
Oh My Posh version 15.3.0                                                                         JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh
Microsoft OneDrive                                                                                Microsoft.OneDrive
Postman x86_64 10.13.0                                                                            Postman.Postman
Rustup: the Rust toolchain installer                                                              Rustlang.Rustup
SteelSeries GG 37.0.0                                                                             SteelSeries.GG
Microsoft Teams                                                                                   Microsoft.Teams
VcXsrv                                                                                            marha.VcXsrv
WhatsApp (Outdated)                                                                               WhatsApp.WhatsApp
WinDirStat 1.1.2                                                                                  WinDirStat.WinDirStat
XMind 8 Update 9 (v3.7.9)                                                                         Xmind.Xmind.8
Zoom                                                                                              Zoom.Zoom
Authy Desktop                                                                                     Twilio.Authy
GitKraken                                                                                         Axosoft.GitKraken
WinSCP 5.21.8                                                                                     WinSCP.WinSCP
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - 18.12.1                                                  Microsoft.SQLServerManagementStudio
PowerShell 7-x64                                                                                  Microsoft.PowerShell
PuTTY release 0.78 (64-bit)                                                                       PuTTY.PuTTY
Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 6.0.15 (x86)                                                  Microsoft.DotNet.DesktopRuntime.6
GitHub CLI                                                                                        GitHub.cli
Microsoft ASP.NET Core 6.0.15 - Shared Framework (x86)                                            Microsoft.DotNet.AspNetCore.6
Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server 2019                                                    Microsoft.CLRTypesSQLServer.2019
Snagit 2023                                                                                       TechSmith.Snagit.2023
Microsoft ASP.NET Core 3.1.32 - Shared Framework (x64)                                            Microsoft.DotNet.AspNetCore.3_1
Microsoft Azure CLI                                                                               Microsoft.AzureCLI
DisplayLink Graphics                                                                              DisplayLink.GraphicsDriver
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x86) - 14.34.31931                                Microsoft.VCRedist.2015+.x86
Teams Machine-Wide Installer                                                                      Microsoft.Teams
Microsoft Visual Studio Code (User)                                                               Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
Microsoft .NET Core Runtime - 3.1.32 (x64)                                                        Microsoft.DotNet.Runtime.3_1
Bicep CLI version                                                                    Microsoft.Bicep
Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer version 1.28.1                                                   Microsoft.Azure.StorageExplorer
Pulumi                                                                                            Pulumi.Pulumi
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - 19.0.2                                                   Microsoft.SQLServerManagementStudio
Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 6.0.16 (x64)                                                  Microsoft.DotNet.DesktopRuntime.6
Microsoft .NET SDK 7.0.202 (x64)                                                                  Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.6
Google Chrome                                                                                     Google.Chrome
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client                                                           Microsoft.SQLServer2012NativeClient
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86) - 12.0.40664                                      Microsoft.VCRedist.2013.x86
Node.js                                                                                           OpenJS.NodeJS
Adobe Acrobat Reader                                                                              Adobe.Acrobat.Reader.32-bit
Microsoft Web Deploy 4.0                                                                          Microsoft.WebDeploy
Local Administrator Password Solution                                                             Microsoft.LAPS
AWS Command Line Interface v2                                                                     Amazon.AWSCLI
Microsoft Edge                                                                                    Microsoft.Edge
Azure Functions Core Tools - 4.0.5095 (x64)                                                       Microsoft.Azure.FunctionsCoreTools
Microsoft .NET SDK 6.0.310 (x64)                                                                  Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.6
Microsoft .NET SDK 6.0.407 (x64)                                                                  Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.6
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) - 14.34.31931                                Microsoft.VCRedist.2015+.x64
Python 3.10.9 (64-bit)                                                                            Python.Python.3.10
PowerToys (Preview) x64                                                                           Microsoft.PowerToys

Other items to review

iwr -useb get.scoop.sh | iex
scoop install git chezmoi

winget install Microsoft.Powershell
winget install Neovim.Neovim
winget install Python.Python.3
winget install JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh
winget install Discord.Discord
winget install Axosoft.GitKraken
winget install JetBrains.Rider
winget install XMind.XMind.8
winget install GitHub.cli
winget install Zoom.Zoom
winget install Amazon.Kindle
winget install Amazon.Music
winget install Microsoft.PowerToys
winget install Microsoft.AzureCLI
winget install Microsoft.Bicep
winget install Microsoft.AzureStorageExplorer
winget install Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
winget install Docker.DockerDesktop
winget install OpenJS.NodeJS
winget install WinDirStat.WinDirStat
winget install Microsoft.AzureFunctionsCoreTools
winget install pulumi
winget install LogMeIn.LastPass
winget install WinSCP.WinSCP
winget install Postman.Postman
winget install WhatsApp.WhatsApp
winget install TechSmith.Snagit

install-module -name posh-git
install-module -name PSReadLine

pip install pynvim
pip install black

choco install ripgrep
choco install fd
choco install wget
choco install gzip
choco install mingw #gcc (gnu compiler collection)

npm install -g tree-sitter-cli
npm install -g azurite
npm install -g prettier
npm install -g neovim

#install rust via rust-init
cargo install stylua