
Convert an audio file to a compressed (gzip) SVG waveform

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Audio To SVG Waveform

Convert an audio file to a compressed (gzip) SVG waveform

This module uses a converted version of antonKalinin/audio-waveform-svg-path that runs in Node instead of in the browser.


const audioToSvgWaveform = require('audio-to-svg-waveform');

audioToSvgWaveform('./infile.mp3', './output.svg.gz')
  .then(() => console.log('complete!'))


screenshot of the waveform output

The default stroke color is set to #000 but you can override with SVG_STROKE environment variable. But that can be changed with CSS when the file is included inline.


The current, stable version of node.js supports 95% ES6 features.

Also, we build npm modules to run on older versions of Node.js.

We will use Babel.js with ES2015 preset to compile ES6 code to ES5.

Coding style

Airbnb has an excellent style guide for ES6. We will follow the guide and adhere to the recommended coding style.


We will use ESLint with Airbnb style and pre-parse our code to detect violations of the style.

Quick Start

  1. Make sure you have recent, stable version of node (>= 6.1.0).
nave use stable
node -v
  1. Clone or download this repo.

  2. Get latest releases of the tools

npm update --save



npm run test


npm run lint


npm run build


ES6 code via babel

npm run dev

ES5 code (Transpiled)

npm run build

node lib/


npm start

Code Directories

./src - source code, stays in git repo.

./lib - transpiled ES5 code, not saved in git, gets published to npm.
