
Using the SWELL dataset from Kaggle, we've built 2 machine learning models to predict whether or not a person is under stress using Heart Rate Variability(HRV) which can be collected from modern wearables such as fitbit devices and apple watches.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Using the SWELL dataset from Kaggle, we've built 2 machine learning models to predict whether or not a person is under stress using Heart Rate Variability(HRV) which can be collected from modern wearables such as fitbit devices and apple watches.




  • Standard Feed-forward Neural Network: Input Layer(34 neurons, ReLU activation), Hidden Layer(10 neurons, ReLU activation), Output Layer(3 neurons, softmax actionation)
  • KNeighbors Classifer


The goal is to provide a realtime biofeedback from the wearable when a person undergoes stress. This can be in the form of a notification on the iPhone to prompt the user to use a meditation app, or play a calm song through google home automatically. The data can also be recorded and be displayed using an app.