This is a small program to get data from ruuvi gateways to influx.
For this to work you need
- Influxdb 2.x
- A RuuviGateway configured with no autentication
docker run --name ruuvi-influx -d -p 8086:8086 influxdb
Go to influx config run the setup http://localhost:8086
influxHost: http://localhost:8086
influxToken: qI9RqpoUTpMS6-OXpmQZjKXwEsbuaZV3Mw3anNpM-RBmOa__nT8hAhFnkqi5NbzOCMJ45LKbsuWbG-uH0ViPUQ==
influxBucket: ruuviBucket
influxOrg: ruuviOrg
pollInterval: 2
- ""
docker build --tag ruuvigw-go .
docker run --name ruuvigw-go --restart unless-stopped -d --net=host ruuvigw-go:latest