- 0
The status screen doesn't "scale"
#36 opened - 2
- 6
- 1
Issues with multi-part uploads
#29 opened - 3
1.1.1 apk is published in 1.1.2 release
#27 opened - 2
- 0
- 0
Some tests are flaky
#24 opened - 0
- 1
UI is severely broken on Android 9
#22 opened - 0
- 6
Force closed on Android 11
#20 opened - 4
More schedule options
#19 opened - 1
- 2
Background service startup failures
#17 opened - 6
Silent upload failures on Graphene
#16 opened - 0
Minor visual issue on smaller screen
#15 opened - 6
Publish on F-Droid
#14 opened - 1
Embed user manual in application
#13 opened - 0
Add support for other content providers
#12 opened - 0
Handle camera events
#11 opened - 0
Status items are hard to click
#10 opened - 0
Confirm bucket/upload edits
#9 opened - 0
Add crash reporting
#8 opened - 1
Decide what to do with log records
#7 opened - 0
Implement upload progress screen
#6 opened - 1
Properly handle SQLite binaries
#5 opened - 1
Write user manual
#4 opened - 0
Add branding
#3 opened - 0
Add QR code configuration
#2 opened - 1
Handle phone call ended events
#1 opened