
[Feature] enable npm deploy per default

mcm1957 opened this issue · 8 comments

I would suggest to enable npm deploy per default.

Curently I most likely need 2 attempts as I always forget to adapt test-and-release.yml.

I do not see any real situation why I would create true releases at github but not publish them to npm. An error while token is missing would not cause any harm besides failing actions. But exactly this failing action would remind to do something. In addition deplo per default guides users to this automatic way.

If someon really does NOT want an automatic deploy, he/she could disable it.

The comfort / luxery version would question the user whether automatic deploy is desired like it dies for i.e. dev-server.

Hmm I think both are not ideal. Maybe a good way would be to add a check to the release script plug-in, which could warn before pushing a release commit.

Or we need to make this info in the developer README more prominent?


No the Info in the readme is fully ok as it is.

It's not that I do not know what to do - its simply a step I forget and I do not see a reason not to default it.

You are asking whether one wants to release with an single script. What is not optimal wo ask a second question if one wants an automatic deploy (or enable this automatically as I think that 99% of users who choose automatic releases will use automic deploy anaway.)

You write both suggestions aer not optimal.
What bad effects do you see?

And yes, a check at the RELEASE SCRIPT would be ok for me too. (I first thought you mention a warning at the test-and-release.yml "script". This would not help at all)

Just for clarity: if the adapter is created online, your have the possibility to enable the action and provide the token.

What du you mean with "if the adapter is created online"? I do not remember that I could add a token using adapter-creator with npx? Do you refer to the developer portal (

Do you refer to the developer portal

Yes that's what he means.

Ok, dvp Portal does the token steps. So I think we can close here.

Maybe some hint for newbies to use der portal instead of the script would be good. But I do not have an idea where to place this info so that new dvps get it.

Maybe some hint for newbies to use der portal instead of the script would be good. But I do not have an idea where to place this info so that new dvps get it.

That's the problem. Everything is documented and explained but either it doesn't get read or it gets forgotten 😉

Using the CLI is perfectly valid IMO, no need to direct away from it.