- 0
Add recommendation to use `@iobroker/eslint-config`
#1120 opened by foxriver76 - 0
Add `ESM`option
#1119 opened by foxriver76 - 2
Adpter creator aborts without Message
#1118 opened by mcm1957 - 0
Suppress npm suggestions to update npom package
#1117 opened by ioBroker-Bot - 0
Update dependencies of js-controller and admin
#1102 opened by mcm1957 - 0
Please consider requiring js-controller >= 5.x.x
#1104 opened by mcm1957 - 0
- 0
Remove attribute 'license' from io-package.json
#1097 opened by mcm1957 - 3
licenseInformation - template syntactically wrong
#1103 opened by mcm1957 - 1
Need to also pin sinon-chai
#1106 opened by Garfonso - 1
Creating new TypeScript Adapter ends in [2/4] Installing dependencies... ERESOLVE could not resolve
#1108 opened by jb-io - 0
Create aborts without any error message at step [2/3]
#1109 opened by mcm1957 - 7
Structure of adapters using REACT
#1107 opened by mcm1957 - 2
Ukranian translation throws errors in a newly created adapter (adapter-react)
#1105 opened by Arcticon - 2
- 8
- 3
- 4
uk translation causing errors in admin sites (GenericApp.js:119 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object)
#1095 opened by stevenengland - 2
Remove legacy support
#1081 opened by mcm1957 - 5
Fehlende Sprache UK
#1072 opened by Standarduser - 4
- 0
iobroker types are not available in test directory
#1089 opened by theknut - 2
ioPack should have `common.licenseInformation` instead of `common.license`
#1087 opened by foxriver76 - 0
Baseline tests are failing because licenseInformation is missing in io-package.json
#1090 opened by theknut - 3
- 0
- 1
Add Tier level during adapter creation
#1078 opened by DutchmanNL - 6
Bump ecmaVersion to 2022 at .eslintcr.json
#1047 opened by mcm1957 - 1
Conflict in dependencies
#1080 opened by watho - 0
Omit node 16
#1062 opened by mcm1957 - 0
Always add 'contributors' section to package.json
#1079 opened by mcm1957 - 0
Remove vis dependancy from io-package
#1077 opened by ldittmar81 - 0
"common.title" is deprecated in io-package.json
#1074 opened by ticaki - 0
common.keywords defaults are wrong.
#1075 opened by ticaki - 0
- 0
[W164] Adapters without config "common.noConfig = true" should also set "common.adminUI.config = none"
#1071 opened by Standarduser - 0
Add link to forum to created issue template
#1069 opened by foxriver76 - 0
[enhancement] add comment for state roles
#1066 opened by mcm1957 - 6
[enhancement] add launch.json to vscode
#1059 opened by mcm1957 - 2
- 1
Update template to handle ack flag at onStateChange
#1058 opened by mcm1957 - 2
[cosmetic] Couldn't check .gitignore: Error: Command failed: git status --short --untracked-files=all
#1054 opened by mcm1957 - 7
TS2792: Cannot find module '@iobroker/adapter-core'.
#1051 opened by DutchmanNL - 2
- 0
Use the updated types from `@iobroker/types`
#1050 opened by foxriver76 - 6
- 9
Node updates - remove node 14, add node 20
#1032 opened by mcm1957 - 8
[Feature] enable npm deploy per default
#1031 opened by mcm1957 - 0
[Feature] package json5 files at admin per default too
#1030 opened by mcm1957 - 6