- 5
[enhancement]: Allow to install adapters which are scoped packages (Vendor-feature)
#2942 opened by foxriver76 - 0
Compatibility check and testing for node.js 22
#2912 opened by ioBroker-Bot - 0
- 2
[enhancement]: Do not suggest to use npm
#2955 opened by mcm1957 - 0
- 0
[bug]: v7 Cannot convert undefined or null to object
#2944 opened by crunchip77 - 1
IMPORTANT: Update of dependency @iobroker/adapter-core is required as soon as possible
#2941 opened by ioBroker-Bot - 0
[TRACKING] list of adapters using adapter-core < 3.x.x
#2940 opened by mcm1957 - 4
- 3
[bug]: After update js-controller to 7.0.0 mqtt broker adapter doesn't load
#2939 opened by paveltsytovich - 1
[enhancement]: Migrate type test to TSTyche
#2900 opened by mrazauskas - 1
[bug]: SamsungHJ API: Send a Key to TV succesfull but error message in LOG
#2928 opened by marian-t-web-de - 6
[bug]: Changed message handling results in error iobroker-community-adapter/
#2923 opened by marian-t-web-de - 0
- 1
- 9
[bug]: incorrect schema for io-package.json
#2818 opened by oweitman - 6
- 9
[enhancement]: Provide methods to translate text using the provided i18n json files.
#2843 opened by MiSchroe - 1
[enhancement]: Explain difference of "noDiskSpace" and "diskSpaceIssues" notifications / improve name and description
#2866 opened by klein0r - 6
[bug]: multiple Events for single state Changes
#2861 opened by Karkas66 - 9
[enhancement]: Show system updates less often (unable to clear packageUpdate notification)
#2864 opened by klein0r - 0
[enhancement]: Boolean Datenpunkt für Systemupdates
#2867 opened by Brainbug01 - 6
[enhancement]: graceful shutdown on windows
#2764 opened by mcm1957 - 12
[enhancement]: Warning / Info if git is missing
#2786 opened by mcm1957 - 16
[bug]: iob beendet sich nicht immer unter Windows
#2834 opened by UweRP - 7
- 0
[bug]: package updates notification does not disappear or update when packages are updated
#2842 opened by buanet - 2
[enhancement]: Actions performed on notifications
#2829 opened by foxriver76 - 1
- 1
[bug]: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!doctype "... is not valid JSON
#2841 opened by Horgul123 - 2
6.0.7 startet nicht
#2837 opened by Brainbug01 - 3
[enhancement]: add version info to startup info
#2805 opened by mcm1957 - 0
[bug]: CLI command "iob user check" shows call stack
#2830 opened by klein0r - 1
- 1
- 9
[bug]: js-controller is unable to update system packages, but restarts (no error)
#2819 opened by klein0r - 12
- 0
[bug]: Instance common object contains outdated data no longer provided by io-package.json.
#2812 opened by mcm1957 - 1
Multihost funktioniert nicht
#2808 opened by bahnuhr - 3
[Bug]: Dependencies fail to install from GitHub repo with js-controller v6
#2796 opened by Black-Thunder - 1
[bug]: asterisk-adapter does not work with 6.01
#2798 opened by sv-hjo - 3
[enhancement]: get available update/upgrades via cli
#2791 opened by Sen5ation - 1
- 2
- 1
- 8
- 0
- 0
BREAKING CHANGE BUG: letsencrypt.js not found
#2739 opened by GermanBluefox - 2
[bug]: common.disableDataReporting is missing in schema
#2745 opened by klein0r - 14
[bug]: js controller works with >=18
#2734 opened by Arcticon