
This bundle extends the DoctrineMigrationsBundle functionality to support migrations for multiple entity managers

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This bundle extends the DoctrineMigrationsBundle functionality in a hacky and dirty way to provide a easy way to configure migrations paths for multiple entity managers.


  • Install the package by running composer require avaibooksports/doctrine-migrations-multiple-database-bundle
  • Go to your config/bundles.php file and register the bundle:
AvaiBookSports\Bundle\MigrationsMutlipleDatabase\DoctrineMigrationsMultipleDatabaseBundle::class => ['all' => true],
  • Finally, create a file in config/packages/ called doctrine_migrations_multiple_database.yaml and follow the next example:
                DoctrineMigrations\Main: '%kernel.project_dir%/migrations/Main'
                DoctrineMigrations\Geonames: '%kernel.project_dir%/migrations/Geonames'
  • You can leave your doctirne_migrations.yaml file untouched. Unmapped commands will fallback to that configuration, and if you need to disable this bundle everything should work as always.


Just call the same commands as always, with the same parameters. See the supported commands

You can run a command for a specific entity manager adding the option --em=example

If you call any of the supported commands, they will work as always iterating over all the defined configurations.

For those commands who has a --namespace option, you have to provide always the correct entity manager. Otherwise, it will iterate over every entity manager, and will eventually fail. If you want to suggest a better workflow, please open an issue!

Supported configuration

For now, all configuration parameters should work except connection and em, because we are already specifying which entity manager we want to connect.

This would be the example configuration of DoctrineMigrationsBundle translated to this bundle:

# config/packages/doctrine_migrations_multiple_database.yaml

            # List of namespace/path pairs to search for migrations, at least one required
                'App\Migrations': 'src/App'
                'AnotherApp\Migrations': '/path/to/other/migrations'
                'SomeBundle\Migrations': '@SomeBundle/Migrations'

            # List of additional migration classes to be loaded, optional
                - 'App\Migrations\Version123'
                - 'App\Migrations\Version123'

                # Default (SQL table) metadata storage configuration
                    table_name: 'doctrine_migration_versions'
                    version_column_name: 'version'
                    version_column_length: 1024
                    executed_at_column_name: 'executed_at'
                    execution_time_column_name: 'execution_time'

            # Possible values: "BY_YEAR", "BY_YEAR_AND_MONTH", false
            organize_migrations: false

            # Path to your custom migrations template
            custom_template: ~

            # Run all migrations in a transaction.
            all_or_nothing: false

            # Adds an extra check in the generated migrations to ensure that is executed on the same database type.
            check_database_platform: true

                # Custom migration sorting service id
                'Doctrine\Migrations\Version\Comparator': ~

                # Custom migration classes factory
                'Doctrine\Migrations\Version\MigrationFactory': ~

                # Custom migration sorting service id via callables (MyCallableFactory must be a callable)
                'Doctrine\Migrations\Version\Comparator': 'MyCallableFactory'

Supported commands

  • doctrine:migrations:current
  • doctrine:migrations:diff
  • doctrine:migrations:dump-schema
  • doctrine:migrations:execute
  • doctrine:migrations:generate
  • doctrine:migrations:latest
  • doctrine:migrations:list
  • doctrine:migrations:migrate
  • doctrine:migrations:rollup
  • doctrine:migrations:status
  • doctrine:migrations:sync-metadata-storage
  • doctrine:migrations:up-to-date
  • doctrine:migrations:version


This package is being actively developed to satisfy a very specific scenario in our workflow, but we wanted to share this solution with more people struggling with this particular need.

As we are basing our configuration in YAML files, XML and PHP formats are not tested right now. We would love to have feedback from you if you have any problems configuring the bundle. Unit tests should come sooner or later.

Also, we are supporting partially the configuration parameters, and not all commands are mapped.

All releases tagged like 0.x will be affected by this pitfalls, and release 1.0 will cover a full configuration file and all commands.