
Checkout.com Magento plugin

Primary LanguagePHP


Magento 1.x Extension

For Magento 2.x versions please see this repo

Checkout.com is a software platform that has integrated 100% of the value chain to create payment infrastructures that truly make a difference.


You can find a full installation guide here

Initial Setup

If you do not have an account yet, simply go to checkout.com and hit the "Get Test Account" button.


There are 3 keys that you need to configure in the NON-PCI extension, while for the PCI version you just need 2:

  • Secret Key
  • Public Key (not needed for PCI extension)
  • Private Shared Key

The Private Shared Key is generated when you configure the Webhook URL in the Checkout HUB.


In order to successfully complete 3D Secure transactions, and to keep Magento order statuses in sync you need to configure the following URLs in your Checkout HUB as follows:

Type URL Example Description
Redirections Success example.com/ckopayment/api/callback/ Redirect after 3D Secure
Redirections Fail example.com/ckopayment/api/fail/ Redirect after 3D Secure
Webhook example.com/ckopayment/api/webhook/ Sync Magento

You can see a guide on how to set the URLs in the HUB here ; You can find test card details here

Going LIVE

Upon receiving your live credentials from your account manager, here are the required steps to start processing live transactions:

  • In the plugin settings, place your live keys
  • Switch the Environemnt to live.
  • Make sure you have configured the Redirection and Webhook URLs correctly in your live Checkout.com HUB


You can find our complete Documentation here.
If you would like to get an account manager, please contact us at sales@checkout.com
For help during the integration process you can contact us at integration@checkout.com
For support, you can contact us at support@checkout.com

Checkout.com is authorised and regulated as a Payment institution by the UK Financial Conduct Authority.