OpenGNN is a machine learning library for learning over graph-structured data. It was built with generality in mind and supports tasks such as:
- graph regression
- graph-to-sequence mapping
It supports various graph encoders including GGNNs, GCNs, SequenceGNNs and other variations of neural graph message passing.
This library's design and usage patterns are inspired from OpenNMT and uses the recent Dataset and Estimator APIs.
OpenGNN requires
- Python (>= 3.5)
- Tensorflow (>= 1.10 < 2.0)
To install the library aswell as the command-line entry points run
pip install -e .
Getting Started
To experiment with the library, you can use one datasets provided in the data folder.
For example, to experiment with the chemical dataset, first install the rdkit
library that
can be obtained by running conda install -c rdkit rdkit
Then, in the data/chem folder, run python
to download the dataset.
After getting the data, generate a node and edge vocabulary for them using
ognn-build-vocab --field_name node_labels --save_vocab node.vocab \
ognn-build-vocab --no_pad_token --field_name edges --string_index 0 --save_vocab edge.vocab \
Command Line
The main entry point to the library is the ognn-main
ognn-main <run_type> --model_type <model> --config <config_file.yml>
Currently there are two run types: train_and_eval
and infer
For example, to train a model on the previously extracted chemical data (again inside data/chem) using a predefined model in the catalog
ognn-main train_and_eval --model_type chemModel --config config.yml
You can also define your own model in a custom python script with a model
For example, we can train using the a custom model in
ognn-main train_and_eval --model --config config.yml
While the training script doesn't log the training to the standard output, we can monitor training by using tensorboard on the model directory defined in data/chem/config.yml.
After training, we can perform inference on the valid file running
ognn-main infer --model_type chemModel --config config.yml \
--features_file molecules_graphs_valid.jsonl
--prediction_file molecules_predicted_valid.jsonl
Examples of other config files can be found in the data folder.
The library can also be easily integrated in your own code. The following example shows how to create a GGNN Encoder to encode a batch of random graphs.
import tensorflow as tf
import opengnn as ognn
# build a batch of graphs with random initial features
edges = tf.SparseTensor(
[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 2],
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[2, 0, 1, 0], [2, 0, 2, 1], [2, 0, 3, 2], [2, 0, 4, 3]],
values=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
dense_shape=[3, 1, 5, 5])
node_features = tf.random_uniform((3, 5, 256))
graph_sizes = [3, 1, 5]
encoder = ognn.encoders.GGNNEncoder(1, 256)
outputs, state = encoder(
Graphs are represented by a sparse adjency matrix with dimensionality
num_edge_types x num_nodes x num_nodes
and an initial distributed representation for each node.
Similarly to sequences, when batching we need to pad the graphs to the maximum number of nodes in a graph
The design of the library and implementations are based on
Since most of the code adapted from OpenNMT-tf is spread across multiple files, the license for the library is located in the base folder rather than in the headers of the files.
If you use this library in your own research, please cite
title="Structured Neural Summarization",
author={Patrick Fernandes and Miltiadis Allamanis and Marc Brockschmidt },
booktitle={Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},