Elastic 6.1.1 as a Docker container. For development use only.
Note that this repository is not yet linked to our Dockerhub account. This means you'll have to build the image yourself first with:
``` docker build . -t mcreations/openwrt-elastic ```
from this repository's top directory.
Without arguments, the container starts the Elastic server:
docker run -d --name elastic mcreations/openwrt-elastic
the volume as /data can be passed from outside of Docker container with -v switch. The ports can be opened with -p switch.
This is a sample command line with custom parameters:
docker run -d --name elastic1 \
-e CLUSTER_NAME=my-cluster \
-e NODE_NAME=my-first-node \
-v /share/elastic:/data \
-p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 mcreations/openwrt-elastic
All templates should be in json format. the name of them will come from template
attribute of the json after eliminating * symbols.
All imported json files will move into ./imported folder after importing.
There are two ways for importing templates into ES:
The internal templates come from ./image/root/etc/elastic/templates/ folder and can be used for importing additional templates after extending an existing Docker.
These templates come from /data volume which can mounted from outside by a host folder and it can contain a ./templates folder to import its *.json files as template of ES.
The external templates will be imported with after importing the internal templates.
For the complete details of the configuration, please see
Building an image from this repository, and creating a container from that, returns a few erros:
... wait until http://localhost:9200 coming up to create templates and indices ...
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: Inappropriate ioctl for device
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: Inappropriate ioctl for device
chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No child processes
/opt/elastic/bin/elasticsearch: line 185: hostname: command not found
but the containers from this image work despite these errors. Please open an issue if it doesn't work in your setting!