
A JavaScript library to calculate diff between two variable where variable is string, Boolean, number, array or object

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A JavaScript library to calculate diff between two variable where variable could be any valid JavaScript data type eg: string, Boolean, number, array or object

recursive diff demo

The api returns a standard diff object having key, value pair where each key represents a '/' separated path and each value represents a change object. Path denotes where the changes has been made against the original object and change denotes the nature of change ie: which operation(add/update/delete) has been performed and what is it's new value.

diff = {
	path : {'operation': 'add/update/delete', 'value' : 'NewValue'}  /* Value represent ChangedValue */

Api details:

getDiff(ob1, ob2): getDiff takes two arguments and return their diff.

applyDiff (ob1, diff, callback ): applyDiff takes three arguments: 1. original object, 2. diff object 3. callback function (optional). This method returns a new object after applying diff on original object. Callback can give a chance to API user so that object can be stamped with some label or a new properties can be added which may be useful to trace the changes while traversing the resulting object.


0.1.1 - Added support of null value for any key in a object.

0.1.2 - Added support of an Optional callBack function in applyDiff method and improving tests. Please check the sample code to know how to use callback. Thanks to Isabella Cerbino's contribution ( https://github.com/IsabellaCerbino ) .

##Using recursive diff library in Node:

First you need to install recursive diff libray into Node using npm install recursive-diff and then you can use following code block.

var diff = require('recursive-diff');
var ob1 = {a:1};
var ob2 = {a:2};
var delta = diff.getDiff(ob1,ob2);
var ob3 = diff.applyDiff(ob1, delta);//expect ob3 is deep equal to ob2

##Using recursive diff library in Browser:

Include recursive-diff library into your html file using script tag and then you can access recursive-diff api as below.

<script type="text" src="index.js"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ob1 = {a:1};
var ob2 = {a:2};
var delta = diff.getDiff(ob1,ob2);
var ob3 = diff.applyDiff(ob1, delta); //expect ob3 is deep equal to ob2


You can run npm test


var diff = require('recursive-diff');
var a, b, c, delta ;
//testing primitive data type
a = 3 ;
b = 10;
delta = diff.getDiff(a, b);
console.log(delta) ; // Output: {'/', {operation: update, value: 10}}
c = diff.applyDiff(a, delta);
console.log(c); //Output: 10
//testing array
a = [1,2] ;
b = [1,30,40] ;
delta = diff.getDiff(a, b);
/*** Output: 
    '/1' : {operation: update, value: 30},
    '/2' : {operation: add, value: 40} 

c = diff.applyDiff(a, delta);
console.log(c) ; //Output: [1,30,40]

//testing object 
a = {
    a: '10',
    b: '20',
    c: '30'
} ;
b = {
    a: '10',
    b: '40'
} ;
delta = diff.getDiff(a, b);
/*** Output:
   '/b' : {operation: 'update', value:'40'},
   '/c' : {operation: 'delete'}
c = diff.applyDiff(a, delta);
console.log(c); //Output: {a:'10', 'b':40}

//testing complex deep object
a = {
    b: [1,2,[3,4]],
    c: {
        c1 : 20,
        c2 : {
            c21: 'hello'
        c3: 'India'
} ;
b = {
    b: [1,2,[4]],
    c: {
        c1 : 20,
        c2 : {
            c21: 'hi',
            c22: 'welcome'
        c3: 'cosmic'
} ;

delta = diff.getDiff(a, b);
/*** Output:
  '/b/2/0': { operation: 'update', value: 4 },
  '/b/2/1': { operation: 'delete' },
  '/c/c2/c22': { operation: 'add', value: 'welcome' },
  '/c/c2/c21': { operation: 'update', value: 'hi' },
  '/c/c3': { operation: 'update', value: 'cosmic' } 
c = diff.applyDiff(a, delta);
console.log(c) ;
    b: [1,2,[4]],
    c: {
        c1 : 20,
        c2 : {
            c21: 'hi',
            c22: 'welcome'
        c3: 'cosmic'

//how to use optional callback function in applyDiff function
var a = { 'a1' : { 'a11' : { 'a111' : 'old value'} } };
var b = { 'a1' : { 'a11' : {'a111' : 'updated value' } } };
var callback = function(ob){
   if(ob instance of Object){
   	ob.__isVisited = true;
diffOb = diff.getDiff( a, b) ;
var c = diff.applyDiff(a, diffOb, callBack) ;

// 'c' value will look like:
c = {
    '__isVisited' : true,
    'a1' : {
        '__isVisited' : true,
        'a11' : {
            '__isVisited' : true,
            'a111' : 'old value'