
Primary LanguageSCSS

Template for a static website

To create a static website (without database), the following rules must be used.

I. Rules

Only files and folders in /src need to be modified.

Do not add an internal link in a href

<a href="/contact">Contact</a>  
<a href="{% link contact.html %}">Contact</a>  

{% link %} will retrieve the variable permalink: /contact from the Front Matter of the contact page.
If the link is changed on this page, it is changed throughout the site.

Google's first position is only reachable if we develop a quality website.

  • W3C Validator: it is very rigorous (maybe too much), but it helps us to fix a lot of errors in project.
  • Use Google Lighthouse to check quality and fix errors. 90% is the minimum to reach.
  • Check on GTMetrix: A is the minimum to get.
  • Use Tinypng if you need to optimise images.


  1. Project managers assign your work in Asana. Your work is a project with steps displayed as checkboxes.
  2. Clone the Repository locally
  3. Each time you finish a task, check the box in Asana. It's really important because project manager and salers must be able to tell the customer at what stage of creation we are.
  4. The Continuous Deployment is enabled for all projects. That means all of your changes will online in about 5 minutes without others actions than push to the master branch of the repository.

Recommended process to make a site (each step must be a separate commit)

  1. Create all the empty pages of the site
  2. Modify the src/assets/css/scss/_variables.scss file to set the default theme (font, color, rounding, etc.).
  3. Make the header
  4. Make the footer
  5. Make the pages one by one

Recommended/mandatory softwares

  • Code: Visual Studio Code with plugins Prettier and Project Manager
  • Git: Git Kraken or SourceTree (you cannot use command line because we cannot verify our own code with the command line).
  • Slack (mandatory): communication
  • Asana (mandatory): projects and tasks management
  • TimeDoctor (mandatory): improve productivity
  • ManaTime (mandatory): manage paid leaves

II. How to work with Jekyll

A) Install Ruby

Details here

B) Install Jekyll

gem install bundler jekyll;  
bundle update --bundler;  

C) Run locally

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload;  

Don't forget --livereload! It will reload page in browser each time you change something in code.

D) Build PROD

JEKYLL_ENV="production" bundle exec jekyll build;  

E) Test code

JEKYLL_ENV="production" bundle exec jekyll build;  
bundle exec htmlproofer _site;  

III. Input of forms

Mandatory fields

  • name: if there is firstName and lastName, you have to named lastName as name
  • email: string in email format Mandatory hidden fields
  • type: estimate|contact
  • redirectUrl: where redirect after the form is processed
  • lang: fr|en
  • website: integer

IV. Explanation

A) Folders and files


  • _site/ contains the generated website
  • src/ the source code
  • the other files contain the general configuration of Jekyll


  • _data/: company.yml contains the website variables (email, phone, address, etc.) and pictures.yml contains the
    default configuration of the images integrated on the site (this file should generally not be modified).
  • _layouts contains the basic architecture of a page. It includes files found in _includes.
    and of course it's used in all pages.
  • _includes: Files that can be included from other pages can be found here.
  • assets: contains the scss files that will be compiled into css, the js files and the images that will be
    resized according to the configuration of _data/pucture.yml.
  • Finally each others files are the pages of the website.
  • 404.html is a special page that is called if no page is found.

B) The images

Creating styles dans ./src/_data/picture.yml

    widths: [30]  
    formats: [webp, original]  
      source: class="img-fluid" width="30" height="30"  
      img: class="img-fluid" width="30" height="30"  

Then apply them to the site:

{% picture custom-theme assets/img/image.png %}  

Ps : make sure the images are not webp format , is that's the case please convert them , changing the extension is not gonna work (the problem is only on the server side , all gonna work locally fine ) .

If needed, the complete documentation is here: Jekyll Picture Tag