Lorem Ipsum text and image placeholders updated for Vue 2.0. Use anywhere you need a placeholder for a text or image block.
Insert the placeholders/ folder into your project and then require it:
Or, register each placeholder as needed:
Vue.directive('phtext', require('./phtext.js'))
Vue.directive('phimage', require('./phimage.js'))
This project was created with the vue-cli webpack-simple template. To run or build this project:
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
For placeholder lorem ipsum text:
<div v-phtext:2p3s></div>
For placeholder images:
<img v-phimage:1200x500 />
phtext expects a string (a) indicating the number of placeholderparagraphs and (b) the number of sentences in each paragraph. For example, v-phtext:2p3s would insert 2 paragraphs with 3 sentences each.
phimage expects a string indicating the dimensions of the placeholder image. For example, v-phimage:2000x500 would insert an image 2000 pixels in width and 500 pixels in height. The 'x' between the width and height is required.
String data for the lorem ipsum text is stored as an array in phdata.js.
Many thanks to lithiumjake's vue-placeholders project. My version is a slightly modified version of vue-placeholders, updated for Vue.js 2.0.
I also reviewed Josh David Miller's https://github.com/joshdmiller/angular-placeholders.
Finally, thanks to Milligram https://milligram.github.io/ for the grid layout and styling in this example page.
This code is available on Github: https://github.com/cschweda/vue-lorem-ipsum
A live demo is available here: https://signaller-recruiters-27058.netlify.com/