
A FreeBSD jail manager written in Python 3

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A FreeBSD jail manager.

iocage is a jail/container manager amalgamating some of the best features and technologies the FreeBSD operating system has to offer. It is geared for ease of use with a simple and easy to understand command syntax.

iocage is in the FreeBSD ports tree as sysutils/py-iocage. To install using binary packages, simply run: pkg install py36-iocage



/usr/src is required to build from GitHub

  • pkg install python36 git-lite libgit2
  • git clone --recursive https://github.com/iocage/iocage
  • make install as root

To install subsequent updates: run make install as root.

  • Build the port as follows: cd /usr/ports/sysutils/py3-iocage/ ; make install clean

Note: sysutils/py3-iocage will conflict with other previous versions of iocage included into the ports tree. We suggest you first uninstall any other previous version of iocage prior to install this one.

  • It is possible to install pre-built packages using pkg(8) if you are using FreeBSD 10 or above: pkg install py36-iocage
Upgrading from iocage_legacy:

This repository replaces iocage_legacy. To upgrade to the current version:

  1. Stop the jails (service iocage stop; iocage stop ALL)
  2. Back up your data
  3. Remove the old iocage package if it is installed (pkg delete iocage)
  4. Install py3-iocage using one of the methods above
  5. Migrate the jails. This can be done by running iocage list as root
  6. Start the jails (service iocage onestart)


  • This is beta quality software, there be dragons! Please report them.
  • Some features of the previous iocage_legacy are either being dropped or simply not ported yet, feel free to open an issue asking about your favorite feature. But please search before opening a new one. PR's welcome for any feature you want!
  • Mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/iocage

Raising an issue:

We like issues! If you are having trouble with iocage please open a GitHub issue and we will run around with our hair on fire look into it. Before doing so, please give us some information about the situation:

  • Tell us what version of FreeBSD you are using with something like uname -ro
  • It would also be helpful if you gave us the output of iocage --version
  • Most importantly, try to be detailed. Simply stating "I tried consoling into a jail and it broke" will not help us very much.
  • Use the Markdown Basics GitHub page for more information on how to paste lines of code and terminal output.

Submitting a pull request:

Please be detailed on the exact use case of your change and a short demo of it. Make sure it conforms with PEP-8 and that you supply a test with it if relevant. Lines may not be longer then 80 characters.


  • Ease of use
  • Rapid jail creation within seconds
  • Automatic package installation
  • Virtual networking stacks (vnet)
  • Shared IP based jails (non vnet)
  • Transparent ZFS snapshot management
  • Export and import
  • And many more!


Activate a zpool:

iocage activate ZPOOL

NOTE: ZPOOL is a placeholder. Use zpool list and substitute it for the zpool you wish to use.

Fetch a release:

iocage fetch

Create a jail:

iocage create -n myjail ip4_addr="em0|" -r 11.0-RELEASE

NOTE: em0 and 11.0-RELEASE are placeholders. Please replace them with your real interface (ifconfig) and RELEASE chosen during iocage fetch.

Start the jail:

iocage start myjail

Congratulations, you have created your first jail with iocage! You can now use it like you would a real system. Since SSH won't be available by default, iocage console myjail is a useful spot to begin configuration of your jail.

To see a list of commands available to you now, type iocage outside the jail.


  • FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE amd64 and higher or HardenedBSD/TrueOS
  • ZFS file system
  • Python 3.6+
  • UTF-8 locale (place into your ~/.login_conf):


  • Kernel compiled with:

     # This is optional and only needed if you need VNET
     options         VIMAGE # VNET/Vimage support

Helpful Considerations

  • For the explanations on jail properties read jail(8)

  • Create bridge0 and bridge1 interfaces for VNET jails to attach to.

  • Use iocage set to modify properties and iocage get to retrieve property values

  • Type iocage COMMAND --help to see any flags the command supports and their help, for example:

      iocage create --help
      iocage fetch --help
      iocage list --help
  • If using VNET consider adding the following to /etc/sysctl.conf on the host:

      net.inet.ip.forwarding=1       # Enable IP forwarding between interfaces
      net.link.bridge.pfil_onlyip=0  # Only pass IP packets when pfil is enabled
      net.link.bridge.pfil_bridge=0  # Packet filter on the bridge interface
      net.link.bridge.pfil_member=0  # Packet filter on the member interface
  • Lots of jails or a big server? Mount fdescfs:

      mount -t fdescfs fdesc /dev/fd