
Rutgers' Design and Analysis Of Algorithms

Primary LanguageGoGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Design And Analysis of Algorithms

CS344: Rutgers' Fall 2016.

Professor: Farach-Colton.

This project transforms the theoretical aspects of Algorithms into Go code. Code is not thothroughly tested.

  1. Sorting algorithms
    1. Binsort (Bucket sort)
    2. Bubble sort
    3. Insertion sort
    4. Quick sort
    5. Merge sort
    6. Selection sort
  2. Graph algorithms 0. Data Structure 1. Adjacent matrix 2. Adjacent list
    1. Minimum Spanning Tree
      1. Prim's algorithm
      2. Kruskal's algorithm
    2. Traversal
      1. BFS
      2. DFS
    3. Path
      1. Shortest Path with Dijikstra
  3. Maximum contiguous subarray sum
    1. Kadane's algorithm
    2. Bruteforce
  4. Find a popular number
    1. Moore's voting algorithm
  5. Set: Union-Find Data Structure