Bazel Rules for Rescript
In your WORKSPACE file, add the following snippet and run rescript_repository to load the neccessary rescript rules:
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "iocat_rules_rescript",
sha256 = "52e24089222482f9b1646079fa375d9c8662aa104597470b6ff5fd9ebeb78ac8",
strip_prefix = "rules_rescript-452c9d0d49ce13e8a40be8f31cc1929078b7f16c",
urls = [""],
load("@iocat_rules_rescript//:repositories.bzl", "rescript_repository")
name = "rescript_rules", # Note the name "rescript_rules", as what you name here will be used everywhere in your workspace.
Say, you have the following Rescript code:
// example/Example.res
let map = (stream, functor) =>
Stream.from(_ =>
try Some(stream->>functor) catch {
| Stream.Failure => None
// ...
// example/Example.resi
let map: (Stream.t<'a>, 'a => 'b) => Stream.t<'b>
// ...
Then, your BUILD file is:
# example/BUILD
load("@rescript_rules//:rules.bzl", "rescript_module")
rescript_module (
name = "example",
src = "Example.res",
interface = "Example.resi",
deps = [],