
A library for Modal Window in Elm.

Primary LanguageElmBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A library for displaying Modal window. You can set a behaviour and style of your modal window by a Config settings.

Install package usually a way (elm-0.19):

elm install iodevs/elm-modal

and compile

elm make example/Main.elm --output=example/main.js


You have to import Modal everywhere where you want to use it.

import Modal


-- add to init a part
Cmd.map ModalMsg Modal.cmdGetWindowSize

-- add to subscriptions a part
Sub.map ModalMsg Modal.subscriptions


type alias Model =
    { modal : Modal.Model Msg
    , ...

initModel : Model
initModel =
    { modal = Modal.initModel
    , ...


type Msg
    = ModalMsg (Modal.Msg Msg)
    | ...


update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        ModalMsg modalMsg ->
                ( updatedModal, cmdModal ) =
                    Modal.update modalMsg model.modal
            ( { model | modal = updatedModal }
            , Cmd.map ModalMsg cmdModal


import Components.ConfigModal

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div [ ]
        [ ...
        , div []
            [ button
                [ onClick (Modal.openModal ModalMsg ConfigModal.configAlert)
                [ text "Modal Alert" ]
        , ...
        , Modal.view model.modal


Here you can define a lot of various Modal windows. In our case we defined "Alert" modal. Also you visit elm-package where you can find an another settings functions.

import Modal
        ( ClosingAnimation(..)
        , ClosingEffect(..)
        , OpenedAnimation(..)
        , OpeningAnimation(..)

configAlert : Modal.Config Msg
configAlert =
    Modal.newConfig ModalMsg
        |> Modal.setOpeningAnimation FromBottom
        |> Modal.setOpenedAnimation OpenFromBottom
        |> Modal.setClosingAnimation ToBottom
        |> Modal.setHeaderCss "label alert"
        |> Modal.setHeader (h2 [] [ text "Alert" ])
        |> Modal.setBody bodyAlert
        |> Modal.setFooter (footerAlert (Modal.closeModal ModalMsg) (Modal.closeModal ModalMsg))

bodyAlert : Html msg
bodyAlert =
    div [ ... ] [ ... ]

footerAlert : msg -> msg -> Html msg
footerAlert stopMsg closeMsg =
    div [ class "button-group" ]
        [ button
            [ class "button"
            , onClick stopMsg
            [ text "Stop" ]
        , button
            [ class "button"
            , onClick closeMsg
            [ text "Close" ]

or look at

  • an example directory in this repository
  • or a live demo


  • an animations in a part OpenedAnimation currently are not defined