
Primary LanguageKotlin

FigEx - Figma Exporter

FigEx is a utility tool to export styles and icons from Figma using the Figma REST API.


  • Support for modes and variables in Figma
  • Code generation using Jinja2 templating syntax for any code language
  • Export of icons as SVG, PDF, PNG, WEBP or Android XML vectors
  • Simple configuration with many options

config.json is a simple configuration, telling FigEx what to put where:

  "type": "values",
  "templatePath": "../samples/AndroidValues.xml.figex",
  "destinationPath": "~/Downloads/AndroidValuesModeB.xml",
  "defaultMode": "modeB",
  "templateVariables": {
    "templateVarDemo": "\uD83D\uDE80\uD83D\uDE80\uD83D\uDE80"
  "type": "icons",
  "format": "androidxml",
  "filter": "{% if fullName|startsWith('icon-', true) %} true {% else %} false {% endif %}",
  "fileNames" : "{{ fullName|replaceSpecialChars('_')|lowercase }}",
  "destinationPath": "~/Downloads/icons",
  "clearDestination": true

You can defined template files with Jinja-tokens to generate source code files in any language:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    {{ }}
    {%- for color in colors -%}
    <color name="{{ color.name.snake }}">#{{ color.argb }}</color>
    {% endfor %}

How to use standalone on macOS / Linux

  1. Make sure Java is installed on your machine, run java --version to confirm
  2. Download a figex.zip from the release list
  3. Extract the zip file and place it in your system
  4. Add the extracted directory to your system's $PATH (macOS)
  5. Create a config file for your project, see the sample/config.json
  6. Create a Figma personal access token
  7. Run export FIGMA_TOKEN="your token"
  8. Run figex -c "path to your config"

How to use standalone on Windows

  1. Make sure Java is installed on your machine, run java --version to confirm
  2. Download a figex.zip from the release list
  3. Extract the zip file and place it in your system
  4. Create a config file for your project, see the sample/config.json
  5. Create a Figma personal access token
  6. Run set FIGMA_TOKEN="your token"
  7. Run java -jar "path to figex jar" -c "path to your config"

How to use as part of your Gradle build system

You can also use FigEx as a gradle dependency, e.g. for your buildSrc in an Android Studio project.

  1. Add JitPack to your buildSrc's settings.gradle
dependencyResolutionManagement {
  repositories {
    maven { url = uri("https://jitpack.io" }
  1. Add FigEx to your buildSrc's build.gradle

Important: FigEx makes use of com.android.tools:sdk-common as a build dependency, this means there can be a conflict with your Android Gradle Plugin version. If you experience sync issues after adding FigEx, try the following. FigEx will not be able to covert SVG to Android Vector graphics. AGP 8.4.0-8.5.0 is currently tested and working. Consider using FigEx as a standalone tool as an alternative (see above).

implementation("com.github.iodigital-com:figex:Tag") {
  1. Add a Gradle task in the buildSrc
abstract class ExportFigmaTask : DefaultTask() {

    var configFile: File = File(IoBuildConfig.rootDir, "config/figex/figex.json")

    @get: Input
    var token: String = ""

    fun action() = runBlocking {
        try {
                configFile = configFile,
                figmaToken = requireNotNull(
                    System.getenv("FIGMA_TOKEN") ?: token.takeIf { it.isNotBlank() }
                ) { "Missing Figma token" },
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            throw e
  1. Register the task in your main build.gradle
    tasks.register<ExportFigmaTask>("updateFigmaResources").configure { 
        token = ...
        configFile = File(...) // Optional, defaults to config/figex/figex.json
  1. Update your Figma resources via gradle:
gradle updateFigmaResources

Config file

See the example config in the samples directory.

  • figmaFileKey: The key for the figma file. You can obtain it from any Figma URL, the section in >> and << is the key: figma.com/file/>>dqsg8P1c2ayjNJPyPYmv4X<<
  • modeAliases: Aliases for the modes. FigEx sees modes only as their IDs, e.g. 8124:0 and 8124:1. You can defined aliases here for your convenience. There is no way to look up the name for a mode from the free Figma API, so you need to figure out what is what.
  • exports: Defines the exports to be done. There are two kinds of exports:
    • "type": "values" is used to export any values like colors, dimensions or text styles
      • templatePath: The path to the Jinja2 template. See samples/AndroidValues.xml.figex for an example and see below for more details
      • destinationPath: The path to where the generated file should be written
      • defaultMode: The default mode to be used for the values. If the defaultMode is e.g. test then color.test.argb is the same as color.argb
      • templateVariables: A map of extra variables for the template. If you define test here you can later use {{ test }} in your template file
    • "type": "icons" is used to export icons and illustrations
      • format: One of svg, pdf, png, webp or androidxml
      • filter: A template that should read true to include a component in the export
      • fileNames: A template defining the file name of the exported component. A / will cause a directory to be created
      • destinationPath: The directory to which the files should be written
      • clearDestination: If true, all files in the destination directory will be deleted before exporting the icons
      • rasterScales: A list of scale objects defining the sizes for raster graphics exports (png and webp)
        • scale: A float defining the scale, 1 being original size
        • nameSuffix: A string that is appended to the name generated from fileNames, comes before the file suffix
        • namePrefix: A string tha tis prepended to the name generated from fileNames. A / will cause a directory to be created.
      • useAndroidRasterScales: A shorthand to create mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi exports of raster graphics. Ignored if rasterScales is defined


The templating engine uses Jinja syntax. You can use loops, if statements and more. FigEx's templating is build with jinjava which is also the base of HubSpot's HubL templating system. This means the syntax for if-statements and loops also applies to FigEx, same goes for the filters available. Of course, HubSpot specific variables and functions are not available.

Templating for icon exports

This templating is used in the filter and fileNames configurations.

  • figma: A Figma object
  • date: The current date
  • full_name: The full name of the component. If part of a component set, comprised of the name of the component set and the component name. The component name otherwise.
  • name: The name of the component
  • key: The key of the component
  • id: The id of the component
  • set_name: The name of the set of which this component is a part of, empty if not part of a set
  • set_key: The ket of the set of which this component is a part of, empty if not part of a set
  • set_id: The id of the set of which this component is a part of, empty if not part of a set
  • scale: A scale object representing the current scale for the export

Templating for values export

This templating is used in the file at the templatePath configuration.

  • colors: A list of Color objects
  • dimens: A list of Dimension objects
  • text_styles: A list of TextStyle objects
  • figma: A Figma object
  • date: The current date

Templating objects


  • name: A name object
  • a, r, g, b: The alpha, red, green and blue value 0..1 (for the default mode)
  • a255, r255, g255, b255: The alpha, red, green and blue value 0..255 (for the default mode)
  • argb: The argb hex string (for the default mode)
  • modeA: A nested color object for modeA, contains the same values as above. The name depends on your modes and the modeAliases in the config
  • modeB: A nested color object for modeB, contains the same values as above. The name depends on your modes and the modeAliases in the config


  • name: A name object
  • value: The value (for the default mode)
  • modeA: A nested color object for modeA, contains the same values as above. The name depends on your modes and the modeAliases in the config
  • modeB: A nested color object for modeB, contains the same values as above. The name depends on your modes and the modeAliases in the config

Text style

  • name: A name object
  • font_family: As defined in Figma (for the default mode)
  • font_post_script_name: As defined in Figma (for the default mode)
  • font_size: As defined in Figma (for the default mode)
  • font_weight: As defined in Figma (for the default mode)
  • letter_spacing: As defined in Figma (for the default mode)
  • line_height_percent: As defined in Figma (for the default mode)
  • line_height_percent_font_size: As defined in Figma (for the default mode)
  • line_height_px: As defined in Figma (for the default mode)
  • line_height_unit: As defined in Figma (for the default mode)
  • text_align_horizontal: As defined in Figma (for the default mode)
  • text_align_vertical: As defined in Figma (for the default mode)
  • text_auto_resize: As defined in Figma (for the default mode)
  • modeA: A nested color object for modeA, contains the same values as above. The name depends on your modes and the modeAliases in the config
  • modeB: A nested color object for modeB, contains the same values as above. The name depends on your modes and the modeAliases in the config


Hint: You can also use Jinja filters to modify the name, e.g. {{ color.name|lowercase|replace("some", "other") }}

  • original: The name as defined in Figma
  • snake: The name in snake case
  • kebab: The name in kebab case
  • pascal: The name in pascal case


  • file: The Figma file name
  • last_modified: Last modified date of the Figma file
  • version: The version of the Figma file


  • scale: The scale as floating point number as configured
  • name_prefix: The prefix of the filename as configured
  • name_suffix: The suffix of the filename as configured

Build the project

  • Clone the Git
  • ./gradlew clean build will build the project and create files in figma-exported/build/distributions