MyCommute - Implementing Web API

To expose the business logic implemented in the previous module, you will create a new ASP.NET Core Web API project.

First you will be guided through the structure & components that make up a typical ASP.NET Core application. Concepts like Dependency Injection (DI), host & application bootstrapping, configuration scope will be discussed. Then you will implement a RESTful API for CRUD functionality.




You'll need to set up your machine to run .NET, including the C# 10.0 compiler. Download & install the .NET 6 SDK.

You'll need a connection string to an empty SQL Server database.


We are going to create an application that keeps track of the modes of transport that a company's employees use to commute to work daily. The full solution will include:

  • Data project: defines the data structure
  • Domain project: business logic implementations
  • WebApplication project: includes the web API's & backoffice web application to manage the employee data
  • Mobile app project: will be used by the employees to input the mode of transport for their daily commute


Create a new ASP.NET Core Web Application project

Fork the starter solution from version control, clone it to your local environment and create a new ASP.NET Core Web Application project and name it MyCommute.WebApplication.

dotnet new webapi --auth None --language "C#" --name MyCommute.WebApplication

Remove the demo content

The ASP.NET Core Web Application project template ships with some demo content, which we won't need.

  • Delete the WeatherForecast class (located in the root of the web application project).
  • Then, using the IDE's refactor functionality, rename the WeatherForecastController to UserController.
  • Remove the Summaries field & the Get method from UserController.

Reference other projects

Add project references to the MyCommute.WebApplication project.

There are several ways you can do this. Your IDE probably has a feature that allows you to add project references from the GUI. Or you can add references to a project using CLI:

Open a terminal, cd to the root of the solution and run the following commands:

dotnet add MyCommute.WebApplication/MyCommute.WebApplication.csproj reference MyCommute.Data/MyCommute.Data.csproj
dotnet add MyCommute.WebApplication/MyCommute.WebApplication.csproj reference MyCommute.Domain/MyCommute.Domain.csproj

Open the MyCommute.WebApplication.csproj file. Verify that it includes references to the MyCommuet.Data & MyCommute.Domain projects:

  <ProjectReference Include="..\MyCommute.Data\MyCommute.Data.csproj" />
  <ProjectReference Include="..\MyCommute.Domain\MyCommute.Domain.csproj" />

Install NuGet packages

Install the latest version of the following NuGet packages:

Configure dependency injection in Program.cs

ASP.NET Core supports the dependency injection (DI) software design pattern, which is a technique for achieving Inversion of Control (IoC) between classes and their dependencies.

In order to use the services from the MyCommute.Domain project, you have to register them in Program.cs

After var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); add

builder.Services.AddTransient<IEmployeeService, EmployeeService>();

This registers the EmployeeService with a Transient lifetime.

Transient lifetime services are created each time they're requested from the service container. This lifetime works best for lightweight, stateless services. Register transient services with AddTransient. In apps that process requests, transient services are disposed at the end of the request.

More information on service lifetimes.

Also register CommuteService & GeoCodeService with a Transient lifetime.

Configure database connection in Program.cs

The web application needs access to a database. To register the MyCommute.Data.DataContext instance as a service add this to Program.cs

builder.Services.AddDbContextFactory<DataContext>(options =>
        x =>

Let's break this down:

  • AddDbContextFactory<DataContext> : Registers an IDbContextFactory<TContext> in the IServiceCollection to create instances of given DbContext type.
  • options.UseSqlServer(builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("sqlServer") : indicates we want to use the Sql Server database provider. The name of the connection string is passed in to the context by calling a method on a DbContextOptionsBuilder object. For local development, the ASP.NET Core configuration system reads the connection string from the appsettings.Development.json file.
  • x.UseNetTopologySuite(); : specifies we want to use NetTopologySuite to access SQL Server spatial data.

Open the appsettings.Development.json file and add a connection string as shown in the following markup:

"ConnectionStrings": {
    "sqlServer": "{{insert connection string here}}"

Inspect the OpenAPI Specification

The file openapi-specification.json (located in the root of the solution) describes the API you are going to implement. Open the file in Swagger Editor

Implement UserController

The UserController will provide functionality concerning CRUD operations for the users of the mobile app.

Features include:

  • User registration
  • Updating user information
  • Deleting a user account

Conforming to the constraints of the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style, implement an endpoint for each of the features mentioned above.

Declare the request & response models

In the MyCommute.Shared class library project, navigate to directory Models and create a new directory User.

Using C# immutable records, declare the following models in namespace MyCommute.Shared.Models.User:

  • UserRegistrationRequest, with properties:

    • Name (string)
    • Email (string)
    • HomeAddress (Address, already defined in MyCommute.Shared.Models)
    • WorkAddress (Address)
    • DefaultCommuteType (CommuteType, defined in namespace MyCommute.Shared.Enums)
  • UserRegistrationResponse, with properties:

    • Id (Guid)
  • UserUpdateRequest, with properties:

    • Id (Guid)
    • Name (string)
    • HomeAddress (Address, already defined in MyCommute.Shared.Models)
    • WorkAddress (Address)
    • DefaultCommuteType (CommuteType, defined in namespace MyCommute.Shared.Enums)

Implement the user registration endpoint

Registering an account is an operation that creates a new resource. Implement a new method Register, annotated with HttpPostAttribute. This attribute signals that the endpoint only accepts POST requests.

public async Task<ActionResult<UserRegistrationResponse>> Register(UserRegistrationRequest request)

The Register method accepts 1 parameter of type UserRegistrationRequest, and returns Task<ActionResult<UserRegistrationResponse>>. This method creates a new Employee entity, using the UserRegistrationRequest properties. The HomeAddress & WorkAddress properties are geocoded to their respective geographical coordinates, using the GeoCodeService.GetCoordinatesForAddressAsync method.

The Employee entity is then added to the database using the EmployeeService.AddAsync method. If this operation succeeds, a UserRegistrationResponse is returned, containing the value of the Employee.Id property of the newly added Employee.

If any exception is encountered in the process, the exception is logged and a BadRequestResult is returned.

Test the user registration endpoint with Swashbuckle

The ASP.NET Core Web Application project template ships with Swashbuckle installed & configured. The Swagger UI tool is an easy way to debug the api endpoint you just created. Simply run the WebApplication project and a browser window will open. Here you can test sending a request to the endpoint with the Try it out button.

Implement the update user endpoint

Updating an account is an operation that mutates a resource. Implement a new method Update, annotated with HttpPutAttribute. This attribute signals that the endpoint only accepts PUT requests.

public async Task<ActionResult> Update(UserUpdateRequest request)

The Update method accepts 1 parameter of type UserUpdateRequest, and returns Task<ActionResult>. This method creates a new Employee entity, using the UserUpdateRequest properties. The HomeAddress & WorkAddress properties are geocoded to their respective geographical coordinates, using the GeoCodeService.GetCoordinatesForAddressAsync method.

The Employee entity is then updated in the database using the EmployeeService.UpdateAsync method. If this operation succeeds, an OkResult is returned.

If no employee matching the UserUpdateRequest.EmployeeId property is found in the database, a NotFoundResult is returned.

If any other exceptions are encountered, the exception is logged and a BadRequestResult is returned.

Implement the delete user endpoint

Implement a new method Delete annotated with HttpDeleteAttribute. This attribute signals that the endpoint only accepts DELETE requests.

public async Task<ActionResult> Delete(Guid id)

The Delete method accepts 1 parameter of type Guid, and returns Task<ActionResult>. The Employee entity matching the provided Id is removed from the database using the EmployeeService.DeleteAsync method. If this operation succeeds, an OkResult is returned.

If no employee matching the provided id is found in the database, a NotFoundResult is returned.

Implement CommuteController

The CommuteController will provide functionality concerning CRUD operations for the daily commutes of users.

Features include:

  • Get a list of all commutes for a particular user
  • Add a commute
  • Update a commute
  • Delete a commute

Declare the request & response models

In the MyCommute.Shared class library project, navigate to directory Models and create a new directory Commute.

Using C# immutable records, declare the following models in namespace MyCommute.Shared.Models.Commute:

  • AddCommuteRequest, with properties:

    • EmployeeId (Guid)
    • ModeOfTransport (Enums.CommuteType)
    • Date (DateTime)
  • UpdateCommuteRequest, with properties:

    • Id (Guid)
    • ModeOfTransport (Enums.CommuteType)
    • Date (DateTime)
  • AddOrUpdateCommuteResponse, with properties:

    • Id (Guid)
    • ModeOfTransport (Enums.CommuteType)
    • Date (DateTime)

Implement the get commutes endpoint

Implement a new method Get annotated with HttpGetAttribute). This attribute signals that the endpoint only accepts GET requests.

public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<CommuteDto>>> Get(Guid employeeId)

The Get method accepts 1 parameter of type Guid, and returns Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<CommuteDto>>>.

The CommuteDto type is a Data Transfer Object (DTO), that is used to represent some properties of the Commute entity. In namespace MyCommute.Shared.Models.Commute add a new record CommuteDto, with properties:

  • Id (Guid)
  • EmployeeId (Guid)
  • ModeOfTransport (Enums.CommuteType)
  • Date (DateTime)

This method calls CommuteService.GetByUserIdAsync and maps the returned Commute collection to a collection of CommuteDto objects. If no commutes are found for the provided (employee) id, a NotFoundResult is returned.

If any other exceptions are encountered, the exception is logged and a BadRequestResult is returned.

Implement the add commute endpoint

Implement a new method Add, annotated with HttpPostAttribute. This attribute signals that the endpoint only accepts POST requests.

public async Task<ActionResult<AddOrUpdateCommuteResponse>> Add(AddCommuteRequest request)

The Add method accepts 1 parameter of type AddCommuteRequest, and returns Task<ActionResult<AddOrUpdateCommuteResponse>>. This method maps the properties of the AddCommuteRequest object to a new Commute entity, which is then persisted to the datastore using the CommuteService.AddAsync method.

If this operation succeeds, an AddOrUpdateCommuteResponse is returned. If any exception is encountered in the process, the exception is logged and a BadRequestResult is returned.

Implement the update commute endpoint

Implement a new method Update, annotated with HttpPutAttribute. This attribute signals that the endpoint only accepts PUT requests.

public async Task<ActionResult<AddOrUpdateCommuteResponse>> Update(UpdateCommuteRequest request)

The Update method accepts 1 parameter of type UpdateCommuteRequest, and returns Task<ActionResult<AddOrUpdateCommuteResponse>>. This method maps the properties of the UpdateCommuteRequest object to a new Commute entity, which is then persisted to the datastore using the CommuteService.UpdateAsync method.

If this operation succeeds, an AddOrUpdateCommuteResponse is returned. If any exception is encountered in the process, the exception is logged and a BadRequestResult is returned.

Implement the delete commute endpoint

public async Task<ActionResult> Delete(Guid id)

The Delete method accepts 1 parameter of type Guid, and returns Task<ActionResult>. The Commute entity matching the provided Id is removed from the database using the CommuteService.DeleteAsync method. If this operation succeeds, an OkResult is returned.

If no commute matching the provided id is found in the database, a NotFoundResult is returned.