Use the GPU on your Apple Silicon Mac

This stared out as a guide to getting oobabooga working with Apple Silicon better, but has turned out to contain now useful information regarding how to get numerical analysis, data science, and AI core software running to take advantage of the Apple Silicon M1 and M2 processor technologies. There is information in the guides for installing OpenBLAS, LAPACK, Pandas, NumPy, PyTorch/Torch and llama-cpp-python. I will probably create a new repository for all thingsAPple Silicon in the interest of getting maximum perfomance out of the M1 and M2 architecture.

If you hate standing in line at the bank: oobabooga macOS Apple Silicon Quick Start for the Impatient

In the test-scripts directory, there are some random Python scripts using tensors to test things like data types for MPS and other compute engines. Nothing special, just ahcked together in a few minutes for checking GPU utilization and AutoCast Data Typing.

28 Jul 2023 More Testers (QA)

I've had a fe more people contact me with issues and that's agood thing because it shows me theer is an interest in what I am trying to do here and that people are actually trying my procedures out and having decent success.

I want to start getting more features into the fork I created like Llama2 support. If I can do that, the next ting I will likely do is start looking at some of the performance enhancements I have thought of as well as trying to fix a couple of UI/UX annoyances and a scripted inatallation and...

If anyone would like to help out, please let me know.

27 Jul 2023 - More llama.cpp Testing

Earlier problems with the new llama-cpp-python worked out. Seems setting --n-gpu-layers to very big numbers is not good anymore. It will result in overallocation of the context's memory pool and this error:

ggml_new_tensor_impl: not enough space in the context's memory pool (needed 19731968, available 16777216) Segmentation fault: 11

An easy way to see how many layers a model uses is to turn on verbose mode and look for this in the output of STDERR:

llama_model_load_internal: n_layer = 60

It's right near the start of the output when loading the model. Apparently the huge numbers above the number of layers is not best to, "Set this to 1000000000 to offload all layers to the GPU." breaks the context's memory pool. I haven't figured out the proper high setting for this, but you can get the number easily enough by loading your model and looking for the n_layer line, then unload th emodel and put that into n-gpu-layers in the Models tab. BE sure to set it so it's save for the nest time you load the same model.

The output of STDERR is also a good place to validate if your GPU is actually being accessed if you see lines with ggml_metal_init at the start of them. It doesn't necessarily mean it's being used, only that llamacpp sees it and is loading supported code for it. Unload the model and then load it again with the new settings.

Someone gets a HUGE thank you for being the first person to give feedback and help me make things better! They actually went throiugh my instructionas and gave me some feedback, spotted a few typos and found thinsg to be useful. You know who you are! 👍

Someone else also asked if this would woitk for Intel, I tried, but the python which comes with Conda is compiled for i386, whcih should work(?) but doesn't and should be x86_64. Might work for Intel macOS, but would be difficult when you try getting conda to install PyTorch, taht won't work well. I'm sure I could hack it to make it work, but that would be a nasty hack. Not only that, I was trying to run things on a 32GB MacBook Pro and having memory issues, I doubt many Intal Macs out there have much more than 32GB and even thouhg they have unified memory, my bet is they would still be slow. I gave up when I figured out that Conda wouldn't install on my 16GB Intel MacBook Pro. Never thiught I'd need tat much RAM, but initially I was going to get 64GB and then swapped my 36GB Apple Silicon MBP for 96BG. 😮

If anyone is interested in helping out with this effort, please let me know. I'm in the oobaboga Discord #mac-setup channel a good bit, or you may reach me through GitHub.

25 Jul 2023 - macOS version patched and working

I managed to get the code back together from an unwanted pull of future commits, I had things mis-configured on my side. The patches are applied and it just needs some testing. So far I haev only really briefly tested with a llama 30B 4bit quantized model and I am getting very reasonable resoponse times, though there it is running a range of 1-12 tokens per second. It seemed like more yesterday, but it's still reasonable.

I have not tested much more tahn a basic llama qhich was 4 bit qualtized. I will try to test more today and tomorrow.

If anyone else is interested in testing and validating what works and what doesn't, please let me know.

25 Jul 2023 - Wrong Commit Point

I merged with one commit too far ahead whe I created the created the dev-ms branch with a merge back to the oobabooga main branch. I'll need a bit of time to sort th ecode out. Until then, I don't know of a working version around. I'll have to sort through my local repository and see if I have smoething I can create a new repository with or revert to a previous commit.

I'll update the statua on my repository and here when I get it sorted out.

24 Jul 2023 - macOS Broken with oobabooga Llama2 support

The new oobabooga does not support macOS anymore. I am removing the fork I was working on because there are code changeds speciffically for Windows and Linux which are not installed onn macOS, so the default repository is now the one I generated a pull resuest for to fix things so Apple Silicon M1 and M2 machines would use GPU's. It's going to get it sorted out, but I will do it as soon as I can. Here's teh command to clone the repository and if you have any problems with it, let me know.

git clone

24 July 2023 - LLaMa Python Package Bumped

New Python llama-cpp-python out. Need to be installed before loading running th enew version of oobabooga with Llama2 support.

Same command top update as yesterday, it will grab llama-cpp-python.0.1.77.

I'm trying things out now here.

23 Jul 2023 - LLaMA support in llama-cpp-python

Ok, a big week for LLaMa users, increased context size roiling out with RoPE and LLaMA 2. I think I have a new recioe whih worksfor getting the llama-cpp-python package working with MPS/Metal support on Apple Silicon. I will go into it in more detail in a nother document, but wanted to get this out to as many as possible, as soon as possible. It seems to work and I am getting reasonable response times, though some hallucinating. CAn't be sure where the hallucinations are coming from, my hyperparameter settings, or incompatibilities in various submodule versions which wil take a bit of time to catch up. Here's how to update llama-cpp-python quickly. I will go into more detail later.

Installing from PyPi

# Take a chekpoint of your venv, incase you ahev to roll back.
conda create --clone ${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV} -n new-llama-cpp
conda activate new-llama-cpp
pip uninstall -y llama-cpp-python
    pip install --no-cache --no-binary :all: --upgrade --compile llama-cpp-python

The --fresh in the CMAKE_FLAGS is not really necessary, but won't affect anything unless you decide to download the llama-cpp-python repository, build, and install from source. That's bleeding edge, but if you want to do that you also need to use this git command line and update your local package source diretory of just create a new one with teh git clone. The BLAS setting changed and only apply if you've built and installed OpenBlAS yourself. Instructions are in my two guides mentioned above.

Installing from source

conda create --clone ${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV} --n new-llama-cpp
conda activate new-llama-cpp
git clone --recurse-submodules
pip uninsatll -y llama-cpp-python
cd llama-cpp-python
    pip install --no-cache --no-binary :all: --upgrade --compile -e .

NOTE when you run this you will need to make sure whatever application is using this is specifying number of GPU or GPU layers greater than zero, it shoudl be at least one for teh GGML library to allocate space in the Applie Silicon M1 or M2 GPU space.

23 Jul 2023 - Things are in a state of flux for Llamas

It seems that there have been many updates th epast few days to account for handling the LLaMa 2 release and the software is so new, not all th ebugs are out yet. In th epast three days, I have updated my llama-cpp-python module about 3 times and now I'm on release 0.1.74. I'm not sure when thigs will stabilize, but right befor ethe fluury of LLaMa updates, I saw much improved performance on language models using the modules and packages installed using my procedures here. My token generation was up to a fairly consistent 6 tokens/sec with good response time for inference. I'm going to see how this new llama-cpp-python works and then turn my attenion elsewhere until the dust settles.

I submitted a couple of changes to oobabooga/text-generation-webui, but not sure when those changes will be pushed out. I will probably fork a copy of the repository and path it here, making it available until my changes are incorporated into the main branch for general availability. I should, hopefully have that a little later today, as long as git cooperates with me. I will be the first to admit I am not great with Git, so learning VSCode and using Git have been kinda rough on me as I come from a very non-Windows environment and have used many other version contro systems, but never used Git much. I will probably get the hang of it soon and finishmaking the transition from using vi in a terminal window to a GUI development environment like VSCode. At least it has a Vim module to plugin, now if they can get "focus follows moouse" to work within a window for th edifferent frames, I'll be very happy.

20 Jul 2023 - Rebuilt things Again because many modules were updated

Many modules were bumped in version and some support was added for the new LLaMa 2 models. I don't seem to have everyuting working, but did identify one application issue whicih will increase performance fro MPS, if not for Cuda.

The two TTS modules use the same Global model variable in them, so model gets clobbered if you use them. I've submitted a pull request for this. Dev ms #3232 and filed a bug repport Use of global variable model in ElevenLabs and Silero extensions clobbers application global model. This was my first time submitting a pull request nd submitting a bug report, took a long time to actually figure out how to do it, but maybe there is an easier way than what I did. ANyway, with this fis, macOS users with M1/M2 processors should see a vast performance improvement if you are using either of these TTS extensions.

19 Jul 2023 - New information on building llama-cpp-python

Instructions have been updated. Also, ther were some corerctions as I was rushed getting this done. If you find any errors are think or a better way to do things, let me know.

19 Jul 2023 - NEW llama-cpp-python

Haven't tested it yet, but here's hwo to update yours. Will change this with th eresults of my testing.

    pip install --no-cache --no-binary :all: --force-reinstall --upgrade --compile llama-cpp-python