This repository includes the instructor examples along with personal solutions for all the modules of SPSE. SPSE (Security Tube Python Scripting Expert) is a course that touches upon security aspects and Proof-of-Concepts in vulnerability assessment, penetration testing and exploitation that materialize through the Python Programming Language.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

SPSE - SecurityTube Python Scripting Expert course

SecurityTube: Python Scripting Expert Logo

This repository includes all of my personal answers for the The SecurityTube Python Scripting Expert (SPSE) course and Certification per module

Module 1 - Python Basics, Data Structures, Classes, File Handling
Module 2 - Threading, Subprocesses, Signals and IPC, Client-Server Programming Basics
Module 3 - Packet Sniffing with Raw Sockets, Packet Injection, Scapy Programming
Module 4 - Fetching Web Pages, Parsing HTML, Coding a Screen Scraper, XML Parsing
Module 5 - OWASP Top 10 Attacks, Exploit Research Basics, Immunity Debugger Basics, Processes in Depth
Module 6 - PyHooks, Exploiting a Buffer Overflow, PE Analysis, Monitoring API Calls
Module 7 - Using PExpect, SSH Automation with Paramiko, Automating nmap